Student Council Meeting Minutes
Jump Down To:
- GSSC Minutes
- MSC Minutes
- NSC Minutes
- RHC Minutes
- SCGB Minutes
- SOHP Minutes (formerly 'CHRP')
- SPH Minutes
- UC Minutes
- Meeting Minutes Guidelines. Used by all Student Activity Fee (SAF) Organizations such as Student Councils and
Clubs to document all meetings.
NOTE: Payments Forms charging acct titles similar to “programs and projects”, "reserve fund", or funding transfers DO require supporting Council meeting minutes, showing Council approved "motions". If your Council has submitted final signed meeting minutes and they are posted here, then you don’t need to attach a copy of the minutes. Instead, include words "Approved by (Council name) at their (date) meeting" in the Payment Form "purpose" section.
- .SAF Student Council Meeting Attendance Form / Template. Can be used by any SAF Student Council and attached to meeting minutes.
- Student Activity Fee (SAF) Forms & Documents Homepage (all other SAF documents)
To Submit Student Council Minutes eMail link - It auto-addresses an eMail to the Student Life and the FSA Business Office teams.
Meeting Minutes document name format = "CCCC FY Minutes YYYY-MM-DD", where CCCC= Council name, FY= Fiscal Year (The 2 digit FY 2025 - starts on June 1, 2024 and ends May 31, 2025), and Date of Meeting (YYYY-MM-DD); so that when sorted by document name they appear in date sequence.
Graduate School Student Council (GSSC) Meeting Minutes - most recent appears first
Medical Student Council (MSC) Meeting Minutes - most recent appears first
Nursing Student Council (NSC) Meeting Minutes - most recent appears first
Residence Hall Council (RHC) Meeting Minutes - most recent appears first
Student Center Governing Board (SCGB) Meeting Minutes - most recent appears first
School of Health Professions Student Council (SOHP), formerly 'CHRP', Meeting Minutes - most recent appears first
School of Public Health Student Council (SPH) Meeting Minutes - most recent
University Student Council (UC) Meeting Minutes - most recent appears first