
FSA Business Office Accounting Services

The FSA Business Office will be closed on February 17th due to President's Day. The FSA Business Office will reopen on Feb 18th at 9 am.

The corporation name is Faculty Student Association of Downstate Medical Center, Inc., abbreviated as 'FSA of DMC, Inc.' and commonly known as "FSA".

FSA Business Office
394 Lenox Rd (Student Center)
Room 2-09

Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (except holidays)

FSA Business Office is currently accepting cash payments for monthly Parking customers (while Bookstore is closed).

Any/All check payments need to be payable to "FSA of DMC, Inc." with a memo section identifying the intended destination FSA account#.

Mailing Address:
FSA Business Office; MSC 1219
450 Clarkson Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11203-2098

Business Office Staffing Update

  • The role of FSA Controller continues to be filled on an interim basis by the firm of Demasco Sena and Jahelka, LLP (DSJ) until a permanent Controller is engaged. Anthony Condoleo is the primary Interim Controller.
  • Please use the FSA Business Office Team email link; It will auto-address an email to all relevant individuals on the team.

FSA Business Office Services

The FSA Business Office is a shared service serving both the Faculty Student Association of Downstate Medical Center, Inc (FSA) and the HSCB Foundation, Inc. (HSCBF) corporations. This office provides:

  • Accounting services to DHSU affiliated organizations including:
    • Trust & Agency (TA) Account Holders. Non-student clubs and organizations
    • Student Governments and Clubs. All Student Activity Fee (SAF) organizations
    • HSCB Foundation Account Holders. Endowment and other Operating Accounts
  • Parking Services
  • Business Services for all FSA Operations listed on this website

Mobile Vending Permits


Downstate affiliated organizations may sponsor a fundraising  event that includes the selling of goods or services on campus. Normally, such events occur at the BSB 1st Floor "FM&D Public Space Area" outside the main Cafeteria. Vendors must have a Downstate organization sponsor as fundraising event of the sponsor. The entity selling goods or services of any type on campus property must have a Downstate affiliated organization as a sponsor. The sponsoring organization must apply in advance and receive advance approval through the Downstate Facilities Use Policy, coordinated by the Downstate Classroom Services Office.

If an application from Sponsoring organization is approved by Downstate Classroom Services, any/all vendors must then apply for and receive a Mobile Vending Permit issued by the FSA Business Office least 5 days prior to each specific date and event location. 

  • Use of hallway space at the BSB entrance corridor to the Cafeteria, in front of the Facilities Management & Development / FM&D Office, is only available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM.
  • The use of the FM&D hallway space is limited by a single vendor to no more than 12 times a year.
  • Vendor must display a sign at the location indicating sponsoring organization and be able to show their valid approved Mobile Vending Permit to any requesting campus official.
  • Someone from sponsoring organization must be on site during sale event.

The Downstate Sponsoring organization event coordinator - Process:

  1. Contact the Downstate Classroom Services Office at (718) 270-2639 to discuss the nature of the event and sale and to reserve space on campus.
  2. Complete and submit a “Classroom Services Request Form/Classroom Services Request Form.” This form can be obtained only from the Classroom Services Office after an initial consultation.
  3. Depending on the nature of the event, a more detailed application (“Application for Use of Campus Facilities”) may be required as determined by the Classroom Services Office. If deemed required, the application form will be provided to you/ your organization, by the Classroom Services Office.
  4. Submit form(s) in person to the Classroom Services Office (Library basement level) at least 4 weeks in advance of event, and eight (8) weeks is recommended.
  5. If approved by the Classroom Services Office, the event sponsoring organization event coordinator will receive a “Facilities Use Conditions Letter” from the Classroom Services Office. It will indicate vendors need to obtain Mobile Vending Permit(s) from the FSA Business Office at least 5 days in prior to each event date. The sponsoring event coordinator then contacts the vendor(s) involved with a copy of the approved Conditions letter.

The vendor that will be selling goods/services at the event - Process:

  1. Vendors must then bring a copy of the approved Conditions Letter with a completed FSA003 “Vending Permit Application” form to the FSA Office (Student Center Room 2-09) at least 5 days prior to the event day.
  2. Permits require the advance payment of the Mobile Vending Permit Fee, payable to the ‘Faculty Student Association.’ Current fee is $35 per event day, per vendor.
  3. Vendor must display at all times the FSA issued signed permit (FSA004) at the physical sale location.


FSA Related Forms