
FSA Trust and Agency (TA) Accounts


Contact the FSA Business Office at: . We are located at Student Center (394 Lenox Rd) Room 2-09, Mail Stop Code(MSC) 1219, or call (718) 270-3187. 

Account Related Forms and Documents

PDF format eForms - Always return to this page when initiating a new blank form to ensure using the most current updated form. Each individual TA account was established for specific purposes with the appropriate expenses that can be disbursed , and authorized signature requirements. Each TA account main representative/account holder has the specific TA account documents.

FSA Payment Form (FSA001) and instructions 

TA Account Application Form. Used to apply for a New T&A Account. Print, sign, then send to FSA Business Office MailStop 1219.

TA Account Revision Form. Used to update an existing TA Account's purpose, types of expenses, authorized signator changes. Print, sign, then send to FSA Business Office MailStop1219.

TA Account Application for Temporary Party Fund. Used for collection of voluntary contributions for a specific one time event or purpose (retirement parties, holiday parties, staff personal event celebrations, one time charitable purpose, etc.).

TA Account FSA Policies and Procedures. The current FSA policies and procedures that govern all SAF and TA accounts.

SUNY Guidelines on Trust and Agency Accounts.

Understanding your FSA Account Transaction Report (sample)

Inquiries: Please always use the FSA Business Office Team email