
Laboratory Services

photo of lab

This web site provides access information and guidelines through Policies & Procedures for the many services provided by the Laboratories at the University Hospital at Downstate.

PDF files describing the details are available by using the Policies button in the menu above.

Contact Information

Department of Pathology, Clinical Laboratories
Located on the second floor of the hospital.

Alejandro Zuretti, MD
Room: A2  430
Phone: 718-270-8225

Laboratory Administrator
Alix Laguerre, MS
Room: A2-431
Phone: 718-270-1689

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Department of Pathology to provide quality laboratory testing to all patients being cared for in DMC University Hospital at Downstate, DMC at Bay Ridge or its affiliates.

Plan of Care

The purpose of the departmental plan for patient care service is to guide the health care team in developing and implementing patient care services that are in concert with the hospital’s mission, philosophy, vision, organizational structure, policies and procedures, patient expectations and rights and community needs.

Scope of Service

Rights and Responsibilities of the Individual (RI)

Provision of Care, Treatment, and Services (PC)

Waived Testing (WT)

Medical Staff (MS)

Record of Care, Treatment, and Services (RC)

Medication Management (MM)

Transplant Safety (TS)

Education (PF)

Emergency Management (EM)

National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG)

Human Resources (HR)