
Office of Research Administration

Supporting researchers and students in their mission to pursue and conduct extramural research.

Our Mission

Our role is to support faculty and departments in their mission to pursue and conduct research and the management of those funds. Our service includes: protocol submissions and amendments for both human and animal studies; grant submissions and management of awards; contract review and negotiations; award setup, invoicing and close-out; patent and intellectual property development and commercialization of all awards and projects. 

Office of Research Administration, Organizational Chart (PPT)

Whether you are a student, postdoc, junior faculty or a seasoned researcher, this e-book is for you. For the first time ever, everything you wanted to know is within these pages. This is a great training source for everyone, including those in research administration. Every institution across the country has processes and policies that vary slightly. You should visit our webpages and/or contact us for the processes specific to Downstate Health Sciences University.

The Life Cycle of an Award

The Grants Life Cycle has three major stages: pre-award, award management and award closeout. The applicant/recipient and awarding agency have unique roles in each stage.

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Celebrate Our Researchers

This section of our website celebrates all of your hard work in preparing your grant proposals and the ensuing awards. 

Although this section now includes all new awards and competitive renewals made in 2022; going forward this section will showcase all new and competitive renewals within the month they are awarded.




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Current Rates

  • DHHS rate Agreement
  • F&A rate: 61.5%
  • State fringe rate: 61.85%
  • RF fringe rate: 39.5%
  • Graduate Student fringe rate: 13%
  • Postdoc fringe rate: 28%

Funding Opportunities

Department Assignments