
Research Resident Selected for 2023 AAS Fall Course Travel Award

By Department of Surgery | Sep 1, 2023

Erfan Faridmoayer, MDErfan Faridmoayer, MD, 2nd year postdoctoral research fellow with the Department of Surgery, was selected as one of the recipients of the Association of Academic Surgeons’ 2023 Fall Course Travel Award. The program provides trainees and junior faculty with tools to develop hypothesis-driven research projects, maximize career development and mentorship opportunities, and become better positioned to advance their careers in academic surgery. The Travel Award is funded by the AAS foundation, and is awarded to residents, fellows, or faculty-level attendees who are underrepresented in surgery.

Dr. Faridmoayer is currently a postdoctoral fellow with the Columbia University Department of Surgery, and a Biostatistics Master of Science Candidate at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

Tags: Residency, Research, iNSPIRe