iNSPIRe Group Publishes in Annals of Surgery
By iNSPIRe Initiative | Sep 1, 2023
COVID-19 study by fellows Tomás Daviú-Molinari, MD, Erfan Faridmoayer, MD and senior investigators from the Department of Surgery’s iNSPIRe initiative was
published in the July issue of the Annals of Surgery.
Research from the work of fellows and investigators from the Department of Surgery’s iNSPIRe initiative was published in the July issue of the Annals of Surgery. In a nationwide, Veterans Administration analysis examining the “Association between COVID-19 Vaccination and Mortality after Major Operations”, resident authors Tomás Daviú-Molinari, MD, Erfan Faridmoayer, MD and senior investigators David H. Berger, MD, MHCM, Panos Kougias, MD, MSc, and Sherene Sharath, PhD, MPH report on a follow up to their 2022 study. In this 2023 study, the authors investigated on the influence of vaccines on previously identified increased postoperative mortality risk. They report on a beneficial association of vaccines on postoperative mortality after high risk operative interventions – specifically showing no difference in mortality between COVID-19 positive and negative patients vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.