
SUNY Downstate and Central Brooklyn Diabetes Task Force Hold Free Health Expo and Diabetes Conference

Nov 15, 2019

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 15, 2019
MEDIA CONTACT: John Gillespie | | (718)270-2262

Diabetes Awareness Month Event Highlights Health Experts and Brooklyn Community Organizations Addressing Brooklyn’s Diabetes Crisis

Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams to Participate and Share Personal Experience and His Advocacy for Plant-Based Nutrition

 Brooklyn, N.Y. (November 15, 2019) –  SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, along with the Central Brooklyn Diabetes Task Force and New Creation Community Health Empowerment Corp., will host a free “Health Expo and Diabetes Conference” on Saturday, November 16, in recognition of Diabetes Awareness Month and World Diabetes Day, which is commemorated on November 14. The event is designed to address the growing epidemic of diabetes in the Brooklyn community.

Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams will deliver the keynote remark and share his personal experience with diabetes reversal and his advocacy for plant-based nutrition in Brooklyn.

Focused on the Bedford-Stuyvesant and Bushwick neighborhoods, the health expo will feature cooking demonstrations, free glucose and HIV testing, along with free screenings for asthma, blood pressure, cancer, hearing, vision, and more.

The conference will feature presentations on diabetes in Central Brooklyn, best approaches to care, and how the community can come together to address the issue. Participants in the conference include a broad range of experts from medical and academic institutions, NYC Department of Health, and Office of the Brooklyn Borough President.

WHAT:             Health expo and diabetes conference to address epidemic in Brooklyn

WHO:               Eric L. Adams, Brooklyn Borough President
                         SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
                         Central Brooklyn Diabetes Task Force
                         New Creation Community Health Empowerment Corp.
                         Minister John Williams, President & CEO - New Creation Ministries, Inc.

WHEN:            Saturday November 16, 2019
                        Health Expo 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
                        Conference 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM

WHERE:          Boys & Girls High School, Bedford-Stuyvesant
                        1700 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY 11213

Onsite Contact: Elizabeth P. Helzner, PhD, MS, Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (cell: 646-320-3269) 


About SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University

SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University is the borough’s only academic medical center for health education, research, and patient care, and is a 342-bed facility serving the healthcare needs of New York City, and Brooklyn’s 2.6 million residents. University Hospital of Brooklyn (UHB) is Downstate’s teaching hospital, backed by the expertise of an outstanding medical school and the research facilities of a world-class academic center. More than 800 physicians, representing 53 specialties and subspecialties—many of them ranked as tops in their fields—comprise Downstate's staff.

A regional center for cardiac care, neonatal and high-risk infant services, pediatric dialysis, and transplantation, Downstate also houses a major learning center for children with physical ailments or neurological disorders. In addition to UHB, Downstate comprises a College of Medicine, College of Nursing, School of Health Professions, a School of Graduate Studies, a School of Public Health, and a multifaceted biotechnology initiative, including the Downstate Biotechnology Incubator and BioBAT for early-stage and more mature companies, respectively. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter at @sunydownstate.