
Disclaimer: The existence or purpose of student clubs and organizations and events sponsored by those clubs and organizations do not necessarily imply endorsement by SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University of the views, opinions, or activities of the speakers, presenters, or organizers.

Maimonides Society

The Maimonides Society is a student run organization whose purpose is to promote Jewish life at SUNY Downstate. It is intended to increase awareness and education about various Jewish events throughout the year and to provide programs to enhance Jewish life on campus.

The Maimonides Society is open to all SUNY Downstate students and faculty.

The Maimonides Society has a meeting room (located in the lobby of the 825 NY Avenue Residence Hall). The room has a wide variety of seforim (books) for your use in addition to kosher microwave facilities. All students are invited to learn in this room.

In addition to prayer services for its members, the Maimonides Society sponsors an annual Sukkoth party in our Sukkah. During Sukkoth, the Sukkah is located alongside the path between the two Residency Halls (between 811 & 825). Join us when we decorate the Sukkah!

During Sukkoth you can attend the Sukkah Bash and feast while listening to a holiday drash (talk). On Purim day, the Society sponsors the reading of the Megillah along with a luncheon.

The Maimonides Room serves as our Beit Midrash and is a wonderful place for any student to come and learn.

Many students find partners and learn on their own. If you would like to learn with a partner, please contact us. We encourage individuals at all learning levels to seek partners. The Maimonides Society is currently organizing a Bikur Cholim program in which students visit patients in the hospital.