American Medical Student Association
The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) is a national and local organization of medical and pre-medical students. It is the nation's oldest independent medical student organization run by and for medical students. There are over 28,000 members nationally. The organization is dedicated to giving medical students a voice in public policy as well as providing medical, social and community service oriented programs.
AMSA is open to all COM students.
With AMSA, the students make up the organization. Students shape the views, students become the leaders, and students forge the path for their own future using the resources that we offer.
This is the fourth year that AMSA has had a chapter at Downstate and there are programs and activities from September to June. On the national level AMSA sponsors programs through the year such as National Primary Care Day, which is held in October, as well as, a National AMSA Convention in March.
If you are interested or want further information please utilize our mailbox at the Student Center, Box # 3047, the National office at (800) 767-2266, or the AMSA web page.