
Main Areas of Interest:

Regulation of Gene Expression and Protein Dynamics

Transcription and Chromatin Structure

Christopher A. J. Roman


Christopher Hellen, Tatyana Pestova


Miriam H. Feuerman

Protein Dynamics

William Chirico

The Cardiovascular System

Lipid metabolism

M. Mahmood Hussain, Xiang-Chen Jiang

Molecular Biology and Biomechanics of cardiovascular development

William Chirico, Michael Wagner

Ion pumps and channels; role of ions in cardiovascular disease

Mohamed Boutjdir, Gregory Gick

Blood cells and cardiovascular inflammation/disease

Jonathan Marmur

The Immune Response

Antigen Receptor Gene Diversification

Ellen Hsu

Lymphocyte development and the adaptive immune response

Christopher A. J. Roman

Innate immunity

Allen J. Norin


Eva Cramer, Maja Nowakowski, Peter J. Bergold


Edward V. Quadros, Ming Zhang, Christopher A. J. Roman, Allen J. Norin


Mark Stewart

Leukemia and Lymphoma

Olcay Batuman

Viruses and other Infectious Disease agents

Christopher U. Hellen, Steven M. Carleton

Transplant Immunology and Immunogenetics

Allen J. Norin, Edward Quadros

Cancer Biology

Functions of oncogenes and tumor suppressors

Matthew Pincus, Christopher A. J. Roman

Immune surveillance and tumor immunity

Allen J. Norin

Biomarkers, detection, therapeutic targets, and treatments

Edward Quadros, Henri Tiedge, Matthew R. Pincus, Randall Barbour

Angiogenic factors in tumor growth

William Chirico, Olcay Batuman

DNA dynamics, mutation, and repair

Christopher S. Lange

Metabolic Organ System Development and Disease

Pancreas, diabetes, and obesity

Gladys N. Teitelman, John G. Kral

Liver development and disease

Miriam H. Feuerman


Molecular Biology of the Neuromuscular System and the Brain

Pain, anxiety, epilepsy

Sheryl S. Smith

Regulation of gene expression in muscle and neurons

Henri Tiedge

Learning and Memory

Todd C. Sacktor, Henri Tiedge

Neurogenesis and Development of the visual system

Frank R. Scalia

Stroke and Neurodegenerative Diseases

Peter J. Bergold