
Three at SUNY Downstate Join New York Academy of Medicine

Dec 16, 2009

Brooklyn, NY - Three members of SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University were inducted into the New York Academy of Medicine on November 17, 2009. Stephen R. Marrone, EdD, RN, and Michael F. Myers, MD, were elected fellows. Manuel Alejandro Guerrero, MD, joined as an associate member. More than 150 leaders in science, medicine, and public health attended the celebratory event.

The New York Academy of Medicine was founded in 1847 by a group of leading New York metropolitan area physicians as a voice for the medical profession on medical practice and public health reform. In recent years, the Academy has functioned as an effective advocate in public health reform, as well as a major center for health education.

The Academy has over three-thousand fellows who include doctors, nurses, health care administrators, and professionals in all fields dedicated to maintaining and improving health. Election to Fellowship in the Academy is limited to those who embody the highest levels of achievement and reflects a rigorous nomination and review process. Associate membership is reserved for medical students, residents, post-residency fellows, and recent master’s degree recipients who demonstrate clear potential for scholarly pursuit in the health professions.

Stephen R. Marrone, EdD, RN, CCRN, CNOR, CTN-A, is one of only 35 nurses elected to Fellowship in the Academy. As deputy nursing director of Downstate’s Institute of Continuous Learning, Dr. Marrone provides administrative oversight for the Department of Nursing Education, Professional Practice, and Research; the Department of Patient Education; the Center for Community Health Promotion and Wellness; and Magnet Recognition. Board-certified in nursing professional development, critical care nursing, perioperative nursing, and advanced transcultural nursing, he is a fellow of the Center for Leadership Excellence of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses and a board member of the Transcultural Nursing Society.

Michael F. Myers, MD, is professor of clinical psychiatry, vice-chair of education, and director of training in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. He is board-certified in psychiatry by both the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. A specialist in physician mental health, he received the President’s Commendation from the Canadian Psychiatric Association in 2008 for his pioneering work and advocacy. Dr. Myers has served on numerous professional and editorial boards and authored more than 150 publications, including seven books, on such topics as marital therapy, sexual assault, men and reproductive technology, medical student well-being, physicians living with depression, suicide, AIDS, and gender issues.

Manuel Alejandro “Alex” Guerrero, MD, is clinical assistant professor of surgery. In addition to his expertise in general surgery, Dr. Guerrero has a background in international public health. He is co-founder of the Society of International Humanitarian Surgeons and an advisor to AMEND, a non-governmental organization specializing in pediatric injury prevention in West Africa. Since 2008, he has served as principal investigator on a population-based study of injuries in Accra, Ghana, for AMEND.

Other Downstate faculty members who are fellows of the Academy include:
Judith C. Ahronheim, MD
Audrée A. Bendo, MD
Howard S. Berliner, DSc
Ivan G. Bodis-Wollner, MD, DSc
Jeffrey S. Borer, MD
Edmund Bourke, MD
James E. Cottrell, MD
Jack A. DeHovitz, MD, MPH
Eugene B. Feigelson, MD
Eli A. Friedman, MD
Pascal J. Imperato, MD, MPH&TM
Robert J. Karp, MD
Florence Kavaler, MD, MPH
Sheldon H. Landesman, MD
Judith LaRosa, PhD, RN
John C. LaRosa, MD
Jason M. Lazar, MD
Frank E. Lucente, MD
Richard J. Maachia, MD
Alexander Mauskop, MD
William M. McCormack, MD
Michael H. Mendeszoon, MD
Kathleen Powderly, PhD, CNM
Martin J. Salwen, MD
Steven M. Schwarz, MD
Alexander Sedlis, MD
Alan R. Shalita, MD
Ketan Shevde, MD
Arnold M. Strashun, MD
Eugene W. Straus, MD
Phyllis G. Supino, EdD
Richard C. Troutman, MD
Arthur H. Wolintz, MD
Shahriar Zehtabchi, MD
Michael E. Zenilman, MD


About SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University

Downstate Health Sciences University in Brooklyn is one of four academic health centers (AMCs) in The State University of New York (SUNY) 64-campus system and the only SUNY AMC in New York City dedicated to health education, research, and patient care for the borough’s 2.7 million residents. Its flagship hospital, University Hospital at Downstate (UHD), is a teaching hospital and benefits from the expertise of Downstate’s exceptional medical school and world-class academic center research facilities. With a staff of over 800 physicians representing 53 specialties and subspecialties, Downstate offers comprehensive healthcare services to the community.

UHD provides high-risk neonatal and infant services, pediatric nephrology, and dialysis for kidney diseases and is the only kidney transplantation program in Brooklyn. Beyond its clinical expertise, Downstate houses a range of esteemed educational institutions, including its College of Medicine, College of Nursing, School of Health Professions, School of Graduate Studies, and School of Public Health. Downstate fosters innovation through its multifaceted biotechnology initiative, the Biotechnology Incubator and BioBAT, which support early-stage and more mature biotech companies.