GME Handbook for Interns, Residents & Fellows
This Handbook brings together information on Graduate Medical Education (GME) that will be useful to residents and others interested in advanced training and research in medicine at SUNY Downstate University Hospital Brooklyn and at its affiliate hospitals.
It is important to remember that while every SUNY Downstate resident is appointed in each year of their residency to a particular affiliate hospital, their "pay source", all residents are also appointed to a specific University program, and all residents rotate to at least two affiliates, and often to as many as four or five.
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Section I, GME Policies, Procedures, Important Resources:
GME at SUNY Downstate is governed by a set of policies and procedures developed and approved by the GME Committee, GME Office, as well as by SUNY and SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University. Many of these policies and procedures address requirements of the ACGME, Health Care Financing Agency, NYS Department of Health, JCAHO and other regulatory agencies. These include Polices on Credentialing, Evaluation, Complaints and Concerns, Impairment etc., GME Procedures, applicable New York State Laws and Regulations, University Polices and Procedures, and important resources on Psychological Services and Provider Resilience. Some policies and procedures are accessed through the links on the right hand menu. Recently re-issued policies are accessed through the Policies and Procedures link. This information is of interest to all SUNY Downstate interns, residents and fellows.
Section II, General Information:
Applicable to All Residents, Regardless of Affiliate Pay Source.
Section II contains general information of interest to all residents regardless of pay source. It includes information about Credentialing, Certification, Licensure, Privileging and various resources pertinent to residents such as Library, Employee Assistance Program, Support and Benefits, and Public Safety.
Section III, GME Programs:
An alphabetical listing of all SUNY Downstate GME Programs that provides information about each program, including department link for special requirements, areas of special strength, etc. All SUNY Downstate GME Programs are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). A full account of official program requirements for every program is published each year by the American Medical Association in the Graduate Medical Education Directory, the so-called "Green Book". The Directory can be found at the Association of American Medical Colleges website.
Section IV, Affiliate Hospitals:
An alphabetical listing of all affiliate hospitals that participate in SUNY Downstate GME Programs. Each listing provides information useful to residents appointed to that affiliate (pay source), as well as to those who are assigned rotations there. Residents' salary and benefits packages are funded and administered by their pay source affiliate hospital. Residents are encouraged to also consult Affiliate Resident/Housestaff Manuals or Handbooks published separately by many Affiliates.
General Information can be found on the Participating Sites webpage.