
Department Policies/Procedures

The University Police/Public Safety Department maintains a proactive approach toward reduction and suppression of crime on campus. Personnel are assigned to:

  • Entrances to each building
  • Patrol each building
  • Booths that are located in areas of high pedestrian traffic
  • Radio-equipped motor patrol vehicles

The University Police/Public Safety Department’s primary role is to function as a deterrent to criminal activity, notify the emergency unit required at the scene of an incident (Fire, EMS, etc.), and render assistance to victims.

In addition to uniformed patrols, the Department takes the following initiatives to ensure a safe environment for all concerned:

Faculty, staff and students are required to display Downstate identification cards when entering our facilities and to prominently display it at all times while on campus. Visitors are issued temporary visitor passes.

There is a network of emergency telephones (red) conveniently located throughout Downstate. In addition, there is also a network of panic alarms located at various places, including corridors, laboratories, restrooms and on-call rooms. Both the "red" phones and panic alarms are linked directly to the University Police/Public Safety Department and are monitored 24 hours a day to ensure a quick response to all emergencies.

The Shuttle service is designed to move students during off-peak hours to local destinations (i.e. Dormitories to Kings County Hospital, University Hospital to the Garage, etc.). It is recommended that students use the Church Avenue Subway station rather than the Winthrop Street Subway station when returning to the Center. It is also suggested that students, rather than walking from this location during "evening and night hours" request transportation to Downstate from the University Police/Public Safety Department at 270-2626.

There is a shuttle service to and from the off-campus parking facilities Monday through Friday from 5:00 AM until 1:00 AM. During the hours of 1:00 PM to 1:00 AM, Monday through Friday, a van departs at regular intervals from both the hospital (445 Lenox Road) and the Education Building (395 Lenox Road) en route to the following locations:

  • Beneficial Fund Parking Lot: 404 Winthrop Street
  • Subway: Nostrand Avenue and Winthrop Street Station
  • Business Office: 711 Parkside Avenue
  • Parking Garage: 323-359 Clarkson Avenue
  • Parking Lot: 225 Clarkson Avenue
  • Church Avenue and Nostrand Avenue

After 1:00 AM, service is available upon demand. Call University Police/Public Safety at ext. 2626 and explain your request.

A CCTV system monitoring the interior and exterior of the Downstate campus is an important tool in safety and security and is used by the University Police/Public Safety Department.

Additional high-intensity lighting has been installed on exterior areas of the campus in addition to that already provided by the city.

To ensure the security of state property, the University Police/Public Safety Department supervises the removal of equipment and other state property from Downstate. An "Equipment Removal Form," signed by an authorizing agent along with identification of the person removing the property, is required. A "Personal Property Form" is prepared when personal property (radio, television, etc.) is brought into the institution and this form is used to identify ownership when the property is being removed.

The staff of the University Police/Public Safety Department has established and maintains clear and continuous channels of communication with local law enforcement agencies.

Downstate Health Sciences University has in place a current Standard Operating Procedure and Emergency Response Plan in the event of an immediate threat to the health and safety of our students and staff. Evacuation procedures and emergency notification procedures are in place that allow notification of an emergency by a center wide bell system and an overhead loud speaker system in the Residence Halls and Hospital. All speaker phones on Campus can be used to deliver a center wide voice message. The EARS (Early Alert Response System) automatically notifies participating individuals cell phones of the emergency and any other information needed for safety. Testing is conducted quarterly by the Information Technology Group.

Information regarding personal safety is disseminated to staff and students with a constant theme of adjustments in lifestyle, responsibility for one's actions, and current conditions that affect personal safety via:

  • Orientation of new employees and students
  • Guest lectures
  • Crime awareness presentations and memorandums
  • Library of video tapes on personal safety that is available
  • Articles in campus-wide brochures
  • University Police/Public Safety Department website
  • Personnel also conduct crime prevention surveys and give seminars in these areas
  • Daily Crime Log that lists crimes that occur on campus which is available for the public to view. Please note that entries are generally made within two business days after the event occurs. This log can be viewed at our Main Office in the Hospital Lobby during normal business hours

In the event of a major emergency, or if there is an event which poses a threat to students, employees or others, an “Awareness Message” will be prepared and distributed via campus email service, voicemail messages and/or general handouts at each entrance to our facilities.

We emphasize that isolation can occur almost anywhere on campus, depending on such circumstances as the time of day, day of the week, building, etc. A few common sense rules to avoid isolation are:

  • Walk and travel in groups, if possible.
  • Use University Police/Public Safety escort and shuttle service.
  • Be aware that University Police/Public Safety monitors its telephone switchboard (x2626) 24 hours a day and that red telephones have direct contact with University Police without dialing.
  • Be aware that University Police/Public Safety has emergency alarm buttons throughout the hospital, Basic Science, Education and Student Center buildings and dormitories which, if activated, personnel are dispatched to investigate.

Remember, your actions are the most important element of any security program.

– "Campus Security Report," by SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University