
Crisis Intervention Resources

Our Counselors, when acting as such, are not considered to be a campus security authority and are not required to report crimes for inclusion into the annual disclosure of crime statistics. As a matter of policy, they are encouraged, if and when they deem it appropriate, to inform persons being counseled of the 4 procedures to report crimes on a voluntary basis for inclusion into the annual crime statistics.


  • Student Health: 270-1995
  • Student Counseling: 270-7657
  • Employee Health: 270-1995
  • Employee Assistance Program: 270-1489


  • NYC Police Department Sex Crimes Reporting Unit: (212) 267-7273
  • NYC Safe Horizon Hotline: (212) 577-7777
  • KCH Department of Social Services, Domestic Violence Coordinator: (718) 245-4374


– "Campus Security Report," by SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University