
Faculty Student Association

Faculty Student Association (FSA)

The FSA Business Office will be closed on February 17th due to President's Day. The FSA Business Offcei will re-open on February 18th at 9 am.

Faculty Student Association of Downstate Health Sciences University, Inc. (FSA) is an IRS 501c3 Not For Profit Charitable corporation organized in 1950 and exists under a contract between FSA and SUNY to provide services to this campus as a nonprofit auxiliary service corporation. The FSA Business Office is located in Student Center (394 Lenox Rd) Room 2-09 and can be reached at 718-270-3187. The FSA has a 16 member Board of Directors consisting of Faculty, Students and Staff and its Business Office is located in the Student Center Rm 2-09.

Mailing Address

FSA Business Office; MSC 1219
450 Clarkson Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11203-2098

Current Board Members

FSA operates the following services for the Downstate community:

think green logo

FSA Green Initiatives: FSA is committed to environmental best practices, including: the purchase of equipment that reduce consumption of energy and water; use of healthful and sustainable indoor and outdoor materials wherever possible; proper supply chain management to ensure we are working with eco-friendly partners and vendors, and effective recycling strategies to minimize our carbon footprint.

Zipcars: An Energy efficient car sharing program.

Laundry Services: Installed High Energy Efficient Washers and Dryers with " LaundryView" on the web.

Vending Services: Installed Energy Efficient electrical misers on all refrigerated machines.