
Breast Imaging

Breast Imaging is a comprehensive diagnostic and treatment program that works closely with surgical and medical oncology, pathology, reconstructive surgery and radiation oncology.

Staffed by a team of specialists in both benign and malignant breast diseases, the Breast Imaging Department offers a unique comprehensive approach to patient care. Whether a woman comes because she has an abnormal mammogram, needs an opinion about therapy, or is concerned about her breast cancer risk, she can be assured the Breast Imaging Department team will meet her needs. All of our technologists are ARRT certified, and are accredited by the ACR and FDA. The physicians supply imaging and biopsy procedures, including tomosynthesis and stereotactic, with state-of-the-art technology in our new Mammo Suite.

All available modalities are optimally utilized to to develop tailored imaging and treatment programs on an individualized patient basis. In addition to mammography, common studies include: galactography, preoperative wire localizations, and needle and Mammotome biopsies performed using both ultrasound and stereotaxic guidance. MRI, PET, sestamibi, and sentinel lymph node biopsies round out a complete breast cancer imaging program.

These imaging procedures, as well as the incredible diversity of disease encountered at our centers, provide a unique opportunity for training our residents and fellows. Teaching in mammography continues to be on a one-to-one basis with the resident or fellow, and the attending mammographer. Residents have the opportunity for hands-on experience in all invasive breast techniques.

Weekly Rad-Surg-Path correlation conferences and Tumor Board allow review of interesting and difficult cases and are accredited for CME. The close working relationship with the Departments of Surgery, Pathology, Radiation Oncology, and Internal Medicine enhances understanding of breast disease from many perspectives. Participation in research in mammography is available and encouraged. Approximately 2000 men are diagnosed with breast cancer annually in the US. Our Breast Imaging Department offers a variety of imaging services specifically tailored to the male patient population.



A sample mammogram / breast image.