
Student Tax Forms / IRS 1098-T

1098-T Tax Forms

The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 requires that all educational institutions provide U.S. citizens or permanent residents with a tax form detailing payments made for qualifying tuition and related expenses charges for the calendar year.  This form is referred to as Form 1098-T. 

Educational institutions are not required to provide forms to non-resident aliens, students who do not provide the institution with a Social Security Number, or when a student is registered only for courses with no academic credit.  As a result, you may not receive a form under these circumstances however if you are a non-resident alien or did not provide DMC with a Social Security Number you can request a form and TIN (taxpayer Identification Number).

Form 1098-T is administered by a third party provider, Heartland ECSI, on behalf of DMC and will be mailed and made available on their website no later than January 31st of each year.

To access your 1098-T form electronically, please log into Banner Self Service and scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will see the `TAX NOTIFICATION’ link.


Below are descriptions of certain information contained in Form 1098-T which will assist you in better understanding the form:

Box 1 – Payments received for qualifying tuition and related expenses.  This amount includes payments from all sources and is reduced by any reimbursements and refunds the student received relating to payments of qualified tuition and related expenses.  This box will include payments of past-due qualified tuition and related expenses from a previous calendar year if the student was billed for these charges. 

Box 2 - Total amount billed for qualified tuition and related expenses less any reductions in charges. This amount includes tuition, comprehensive fees, and course fees. Non-qualifying expenses are medical insurance fees, fines and miscellaneous charges, and room/board charges.  Beginning in 2018, this box will no longer be reported. Box 1 will be reported instead of Box 2.

Box 5 - Total amount of any scholarships or grants that were administered and processed during the calendar year for the payment of the student's costs of attendance.

Box 7 - Amounts billed for qualified tuition and related expenses, reported on the current year’s form, but are related to an academic period that begins in January through March of the following year.

Box 8 – If checked, the student was at least a half-time student during any academic period. A half-time student is a student enrolled for at least half the full-time academic workload for the course of study the student is pursuing.

Box 9 – If checked, the student was a graduate student. The student is a graduate student if the student was enrolled in a program or programs leading to a graduate-level degree, graduate-level certificate, or other recognized graduate-level educational credential.

For additional information and instructions on Form 1098-T, please see IRS Publication 970 or


Those students who are subject to a withholding (residents of a non-treaty country), will be assessed a non-resident alien tax each semester.  The amount assessed is based on the current tax rate (14%) of the scholarship award for that semester.


Payment Policies and Financial Obligations

Payment in full, enrollment in an authorized payment arrangement or payment plan must be completed by the University’s posted deadlines for each semester.  Students who do not complete this by the posted payment deadlines will have a hold flag (negative service indicator) placed on their account.  Hold flags prevent future registration, changes to current registration and receipt of an official transcript and/or diploma.  If the student is partially

registered or is planning a registration change, payment for the existing registration must still be made by the posted deadlines.  Any additional registration made after the deadline must be paid for on the date of the adjustment.

If the student has not paid in-full or established an authorized payment arrangement by the University’s posted payment deadlines, they will be subject to a $40 late fee and/or deregistration and removal from housing.  If the student is deregistered, roster spots in the previous registration cannot be guaranteed.  Registrations submitted after the start of the late registration fee period will be due no later than the first day of class.  Failure to make payment in-full or an authorized payment arrangement by the first day of class under these circumstances may result in a late fee or deregistration.

Students who are unable to, or choose not to attend Downstate Medical Center must officially withdraw from their course(s).  It is imperative that the student follows the posted withdrawal refund deadlines.  Withdrawals after the Drop/Add period (last day for 100% refund) will result in the student being liable for all or part of their charges.  For more information and critical dates for the semester in which you are withdrawing from a course(s), please see the Tuition Liability Information page located in the Bursar's Office section of the DMC.

Room and Board must be paid along with tuition and fees by the posted payment deadlines each semester.  Non-payment could result in the student’s inability to check into their dorm room and/or deregistration from their courses.  If the student chooses to withdraw from housing, they must contact the Residence Life Office and fill out the necessary forms for the withdrawal to be valid.  For more information/policies on Room and Board, please visit

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