Bursar FAQ's
Please Note: In order to protect yourself from payment scams NEVER give your NET ID and password to anyone and be wary of any offers claiming favorable currency exchange rates, discounts, or rebates.
Credit card and check payments can be made through your Banner Self-Service account. Mailed payments must be made payable to SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, and sent to MSC 1206, Brooklyn, NY 11203. All checks, received in the Bursar's Office will be negotiated through Remote Deposit. This process will clear checks within 24 to 48 hours. Any payment that fails to clear is subject to a $20.00 handling fee and may be subject to a $40.00 late payment fee. All payments should include your SUNY Downstate NET ID number for prompt and proper credit to your account.
Billing information is available in Banner Self-Service to all registered students. Please pay by the due date, which can be found by accessing Payment Due Dates. Late fees up to $40.00 per month are assessed on any unpaid balances.
Students with outstanding balances will receive multiple email notifications throughout each semester. Information listed in Banner Self-Service will include outstanding balances that are due. If a student does not see his/her billing information on Banner Self-Service, it is the student's responsibility to contact the Bursar’s Office for an explanation and pay the full balance due. The billing information in Banner Self-Service will contain and subtract any authorized anticipated aid in the calculation of the amount due. These include Pell grants, Stafford loans, TAP and tuition awards. Students must have authorized anticipated aid in order to properly defer payment. Anticipated Aid Awards are entered on the student's account only after the financial aid award process has been completed by the student, the Office of Student Financial Aid Services, and the appropriate agency (e.g, the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation.)
Without authorized anticipated aid, students are expected to pay charges up front and wait for reimbursement when the aid, waiver or scholarship funds are actually received. Students should apply early for any financial aid they expect to use to pay their university bill. Students are encouraged to join our Payment Plan as they wait for their financial aid to be finalized.
All TAP Awards must be certified in accordance to the requirements and guidelines of New York State Education Department before disbursement. Anticipated aid and
subsequent financial aid disbursements may be subject to change throughout, and even after, the semester. These revisions to your Pell grants, Stafford loans, TAP and/or external awards may occur because of a re-evaluation of your financial aid eligibility according to incompleteness of your data file as determined by Office of Student Financial Aid Services.
Students can always check their student account status and financial aid eligibility by using Banner Self-Service.
Failure to pay the amount due by the due date will result in an automatic assessment of the incremental late payment fee of $40.00. Incremental late payment fees, up to $160.00 per semester, will be assessed on all accounts not completely paid by the due dates indicated.
SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University offers a Payment Plan, which allows for the budgeting of tuition and fees on a monthly basis. There is a non-refundable application fee to help defray the administrative expenses of the program. Enrollment for the Payment Plan is completed through Banner Self-Service. Please see Payment Plan for Payment Plan information.
Student receiving aid from the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Stafford Loan (subsidized or unsubsidized), Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), or the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) will have anticipated aid amounts on their account equal to the amount of the current semester financial aid award.
Anticipated Aid Awards are entered in the student's account only after the financial aid award process has been completed by the student, the Office of Student Financial Aid Services and the appropriate agency (e.g., the NY State Higher Education Services Corporation).
Important Financial Aid Award Information: If you had anticipated financial aid awards previously listed on your student account that have not been disbursed at this time, these awards may have "expired" from your student account. While these awards have not been cancelled by the Office of Student Financial Aid Services, they are no longer taken into consideration against your University charges. Only when all requested information has been received, verified, and processed by the Office of Student Financial Aid Services will they then be disbursed and credited to your University account. Your balance is currently due in full, and late fees will be charged if your account is still outstanding by the due date. If you pay your account and your award is disbursed, any resulting excess money will be refunded within 14 days.
Only tuition, fees, required student health insurance, and campus room and board charges may be deferred with approved anticipated aid. If the current bill does not reflect anticipated financial aid, the student must pay the amount due by the date indicated. If financial aid is received after the bill is paid, the student will be eligible for a refund. Failure to apply for financial aid does not relieve the student from the obligation to meet all payment deadlines.
Besides incurring late fees, students with an outstanding balance on their account are not eligible to register at the University. No student may receive a degree, certificate of completion or transcript until all charges due to the university or any of its related divisions are paid in full. Delinquent accounts may be transferred to private collection agencies and/or the New York State Attorney General's Office for collection, and are subject to additional interest and/or collection charges.