
Parking Office

Alerts -  
Monday Sept 2, 2024 (Labor Day) is a NYS Holiday.  The 324Winthrop,  355Lenox  and 711Parkside lots are CLOSED as per the posted Downstate Parking Holiday Schedule (link)Downstate Monthly Parkers assigned to 600 Albany Ave & 581 Clarkson Ave (KCH Access Card holders) remain available 24hrs-7days/wk using your assigned KCH access card.
The 225Clarkson lot closed on 7/31/24; Centerwide announcement (link):. On June 12, 2024 an email containing YOUR  parking survey (similar to past surveys) was distributed to ALL current Downstate Monthly Parkers in ALL lots - check your email (incl your Junk email folder) . On Wed July 24,2024, ALL monthly customers in ALL lots who completed/ submitted the survey received an individually addressed eMail with your lot reassignment that became effective on Thurs 8/1/24. Parking Survey 2024 Frequently Asked Questions/FAQs (link).

Downstate's Parking Office is a unit of  University Police which authorizes ALL Monthly Parking lot location assignments issues Vehicle Parking Stickers (and a KCH Access card for KCH locations) and all lot transfer requests. AFTER  you receive a Parking Office authorized monthly lot assignment, the Faculty Student Association (FSA of DMC Inc.) administers parking daily operational and payment matters at ALL locations. Parking at SUNY Downstate facilities is very limited. See also: Other Parking Resources (link)

Office Location: inside the University Police Building at 750 New York Ave (on corner of Clarkson Ave). There is a small parking lot in front of building that you can briefly use while picking up/dropping off.

HOURS:   Normal business office hours are Mon to Fri. 9am to 3pm  Call first to be sure a Parking Office staffmember is present.

If you make advance arrangements with the Parking Office, you may be able to pick up or return your sticker or KCH Access Card after hours since there is usually UPolice staff on duty 24/7 at this UPolice building.

PHONE 718-270-3030  eMail remains your best contact method. 

If returning a Parking Access Card by mail, be sure it is in a well-sealed envelope. The Mailing Address is:

SUNY Downstate Parking Office-MSC 104 
450 Clarkson Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11203-2098


  • via interoffice mail to 'Parking Office-MSC 104' , or
  • drop off at the UPolice office in the hospital 445Lenox Rd main lobby.


Downstate Parking lot Summary (link- includes hours, rates and est waitlist timeframes). Reminder: Rates may increase Jan 1st of each year, subject to  negotiated 5-year Rate Plan (link).  

New Customers Requesting Monthly Parking -Instructions

Note: The 225Clarkson lot will close 7/31/24. A parking survey of all monthly parkers in all lots was conducted with survey results effective 8/1/24. Once all current monthly parkers who completed the parking survey are placed (expected by late August 2024), we will then return to normal Lot Transfer waitlist and new customer waitlist processing.

1. Sign up on wait list: Add your name to the Monthly Parking Wait List by eMail - USE THIS eMail LinkInclude your lot location preference(s), and if applicable, your desired/ estimated future start date. When choosing your lot preferences, be sure to first review Monthly Parking Summary (link- all lots rates, hours, and est waitlist time frames), the Parking Location Map (link) and Link to more detail on each location.

Monthly Parking Waitlist process (link)The waitlist time frame for new customers is historically shortest at the 600Albany lot.  It’s often more expeditious to first become a Monthly Parking customer at any available lot, then request a Lot Transfer (instructions link) to your preferred lot location(s), since lot vacancies are filled first from the Monthly Parking Lot Transfer list. Excerpt: If you are offered a monthly parking lot assignment and you decline or do not respond to the offer by the deadline given, your name is removed from the wait list and you must re-apply to the wait list.

You must have Downstate status and ID Card. New incoming students can't apply for a Parking waitlist or set up a parking portal account until they have accepted admission and obtain a eMail address.

 You will receive an eMail from Parking Office with a monthly parking offer when your name is reached on the waitlist. Be sure to monitor your eMail for an offer and respond by the deadline in that eMail.

2. After you receive a monthly parking offer from Parking Office: Set Up New Monthly Parking Portal instructions (link). All parking portal SignUps require checking the box that you have read and accept Parking Terms and Conditions (link). Additional instructions will then be eMailed to you.

Once established, your monthly parking continues each month until/ unless you CANCEL it (link). Once cancelled, you need to re-apply as a new customer. Parking rates are pursuant to negotiated  5-year Parking Rate Plan.  Payment for Monthly Parking is required for the month even if you will not be on campus; with exception made only for HR approved Leaves of Absence, as per 6/2020 centerwide announcement (link)

If you were a prior Monthly Parking customer with a Downstate Parking portal, your prior portal will be reactivated - you will need to review and update any portal profile details for currently accuracy (your vehicle details, contact info, and affiliation category, etc..). If your vehicle(s) has not changed and still has your prior sticker(s) intact, a new sticker will NOT be necessary.

To CANCEL your Monthly Parking (link).

Monthly Parking Lot Transfers-Instructions: Current Monthly Parking customers requesting Lot Transfers: send eMail to: USE THIS eMail Link. Include your contact info as well as your lot preference(s); lot map link. If you cancel your current monthly subscription, your waitlist status changes from Lot Transfer to New Customer and your wait time estimate increases significantly. See Downstate Parking lot Summary (link) that includes locations, hours, rate and estimated waitlist time at each lot.

Monthly Parking Waitlist Process: The 225Clarkson lot will close 7/31/24. A parking survey of all monthly parkers in all lots was conducted with survey results effective 8/1/24. Once all current monthly parkers who completed the parking survey are placed (expected by late August 2024), we will then return to normal Lot Transfer waitlist and new customer waitlist processing.

Wait time depends on when current monthly parkers cancel (creating a vacancy to fill), or  when persons ahead of you on the waitlist decline transfer offers. You will receive an eMail from Parking Office with a transfer offer when your name is reached on the waitlist.

When a monthly space vacancy becomes available, requested Lot Transfers waitlist cusomters are filled first based on the date of transfer request date. Remaining vacancies are then filled from the new customer monthly parking wait list, in the date order of waitlist sign up. Hint: It’s typically more expeditious to first become a Monthly Parking customer at any available lot, then request a Lot Transfer to your preferred lot location(s), since lot vacancies are filled first from the Monthly Parking Lot Transfer list. For estimated waitlist times frames for new monthly customers at each lot, see Downstate Parking lot Summary (link- includes hours, rates and est waitlist timeframe)

We highly recommend you add and "whitelist" these eMail addresses: (1) "" and (2) "Downstate Parking Portal " on your Downstate Outlook eMail contacts, to ensure future incoming eMails go to your Downstate "focused" eMail inbox.

Parking Office solicitations to fill monthly parking vacancies are sent solely via email and include the deadline by which you must reply. As a reminder, if you are offered a monthly parking lot assignment and you decline or do not respond to the offer by the deadline given, your name is removed from the wait list and you must re-apply to the wait list.

If you cancel your monthly parking, or choose not to accept your current lot assignment/offer, you forfeit all Downstate Monthly parking privileges and your current parking seniority date. Should you desire any future monthly parking, you need to send eMail to (link) to have your name added to the bottom of the monthly parking waiting list.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If/when Downstate ever loses a parking lot property, ALL MONTHLY PARKERS receive a survey wherein ALL MONTHLY PARKING CUSTOMERS must respond by the survey deadline ranking YOUR preference lot locations. New monthly parking assignments are then issued that are based on YOUR monthly PARKING SENIORITY DATE (the date from which you began and maintained continuous Monthly Parking) and YOUR survey response preference lots ranking

If your status changes: including Cancellations (link), Separation/Retirements, or official HR approved Leaves of Absence (link), you need to TIMELY notify the Parking Office. Send eMail to: and must be received prior to start of each monthly cycle (1st day of each month).

Login to Your Monthly Parking Portal (link). Forgot your password? Just follow the 'forgot password' link on the login page to re-set it.