

Student Loan Resources

Student Loan Documents

Financial Aid Videos

Don't Forget! Every semester all students MUST clear their tuition bill through the Bursar.


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Students may qualify to receive SNAP benefits in order to buy food for themselves or their families. The following provides a general overview of the program, how to apply, and eligibility requirements.

How to apply: (

Due to COVID-19 closures of state offices, applicants are asked to begin applications at the state SNAP website. Applicants must create a New York MyBenefit account and submit required documentation. Applicants must have the following information ready to submit:

  • Recent pay stubs
  • List of household resources
  • Current rent/mortgage statement
  • Social Security card

NY State SNAP Website:

The online application will take approximately 1 hour to complete.

Apply at: