
Point of Care Testing

Contact Information
Location Second Floor, Room A2-425
Telephone Extension 1679
Coordinator Vanessa Landas
Office: A2-425
Extension: 1679
Administrator Alix R. Laguerre, MS
Office: A2-431
Extension: 1689
Director Alejandro Zuretti, MD
Office: BSB 4-11
Extension: 4522


The Point of Care Testing Coordinator ensures that all tests performed at or near a patient’s bedside with a Point of Care testing device, is performed accurately and all applicable regulatory standards are followed.

The Director of Laboratories is ultimately responsible for compliance with Regulatory requirements and approves all requests for Point of Care testing. Individuals are approved for testing upon completion of specific training requirements. (See Lab-23 for approved testing titles) Re-certification is performed annually by Nursing Station Educator.


Procedures for Bedside Glucose, Blood Gas Electrolytes, Hematocrit, P.O.C. Pregnancy, P.O.C. Occult Blood and P.O.C. Urinalysis. See Lab-23 Point of Care Testing Policy and Procedures.

Nova Meter Manual


For Glucose meters, ISTAT meters maintenance or replacement, call Beeper (917) 760-0821 or Chemistry Lab (718) 270-2921.