Research Resources
The Medical Research Library of Brooklyn wishes to develop its long standing relationship of information resources and service with the funded researchers of Downstate Medical Center. We seek access to you, the funded researchers, to introduce the new "expert searching" service and to get your input on how we can better serve your research needs.
Christopher Stewart is currently serving as the Expert Searcher in the Medical Research Library assigned to the researchers. He can assist with complicated database searches.
Those who use animal models in research should bring proposals to Mr. Stewart, who will search specialized animal model databases. These databases such as the Agricola databases are difficult to search. He will search for the use of specific animals and the use of alternatives to animals for compliance with the Animal Welfare Act. This will satisfy the 3 R’s: replacement, reduction, and refinement (replacing animal models with alternatives, reducing the number of animals, and refining the treatment and care of animals).
He may be reached at x7447 or
Library Resources
- JoVE
- Web Of Science
- Journal Citation Reports(Impact Factors)
- EndNote
- Statistics
Other Information Resources
- National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)| [includes PubMed]
- Animal Welfare Information Center (includes Agricola)
- BioMed Central
- Agricola
- Resources related to the NIH Public Access Policy
- Public Access Home Page (NIH)
- NIH Open Access Mandate and Implications for SUNY Researchers (John Schumacher)
Publishers' Instructions to Authors
Publishers have specific instructions to authors for the publication process. Instructions vary with different publishers. These instructions are usually on the publisher's web site and on the opening page of the specific journal. Below are some of the publisher's sites:
- Wiley
- BioMed Central (open Access Publishing)
- University of Toledo (Collection of Authors' Guidelines)
- Predatory Journals and Predatory Publishers (Medical Research Library of Brooklyn)
Scholarly Publishing
- Predatory publishing has become a big issue in academic publishing. This guide contains information on why this is important and what to watch for if you have any suspicions.
- Open access is a model being explored to expedite the use of current research. You can read more about open access in this guide.
- The State University of New York has developed an open access policy. Downstate Health Sciences University's application of that policy can be found here.
- The State University of New York has developed an open access repository of works created by SUNY faculty, staff, and students. More information is available in this guide.
Research at Downstate Medical Center
Basic Sciences
- Cell Biology
- Pathology
- Physiology & Pharmacology
- School of Graduate Studies
- Research Administration
- Biotech Park
- Brooklyn Center For Health Disparities
- Prospective Students
- Dr. Robert F. Furchgott Society
Graduate Fellowships (Michigan State University)
Nationally Coveted College Scholarships and Graduate Fellowships
GEM: Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science (The National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science)
Graduate Research Fellowship Program (National Science Foundation)