Information Resources
- Bates Visual Guide to Physical Examination
Provided by the College of Medicine - BMJ Best Practice (M)
- Britannica Online
- BrowZine
- Case Files Collection (M)
- CINAHL Plus with Full Text * (M)
- ClinicalKey is unavailable. Please request any journal articles or book chapters through InterLibrary Loan.
- Cochrane Library (M)
- Coronavirus Research Database
- EBSCOHost Research Databases (M)
- Elsevier ScienceDirect * (M)
- ERIC * (M)
- FA Davis PT Collection (M)
- FirstSearch
- Gale Databases+
- Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine [AccessMedicine]
- Health Source - Consumer Edition * (M)
- Health Source - Nursing/Academic Edition * (M)
- IndexCat
- Journal Citation Reports
- JoVE
- Despite the message, all Downstate users have full access to all materials.
- Lexicomp
- STATRef (M)
- UpToDate (M)
- USMLE First Aid eBook Cluster
- Students are reminded that the USMLE eBook Cluster is for REVIEW use only.
- The faculty of the College of Medicine has requested that students use their assigned textbooks or items from ClinicalKey or AccessMedicine for coursework.
- VisualDx
- Web of Science (M)
- Web of Science no longer supports Internet Explorer. Users of Internet Explorer may lose some functionality.
- Journal Citation Reports
- Wiley Digital Archives: New York Academy of Sciences
* These resources are provided by SUNYConnect, a multi-year, university-wide project creating a virtual library to meet the needs of SUNY's students and faculty.
‡ These resources are funded in part by the Student Technology Fee.
(M) indictates availability of access for mobile devices.
+ These resources are provided by NOVELny an online virtual library connecting New Yorkers to 21st century information via local libraries statewide. NOVELny is currently supported with temporary Federal Library Services and Technology Act funds. The New York Knowledge Initiative is an important statewide funding initiative currently before the Legislature that proposes permanent State funding for NOVELny.