
Institutional Commitment to GME

Statement Of Institutional Commitment
To Graduate Medical Education
State University Of New York

State University of New York - Downstate Medical Center is committed to providing an organized educational program with guidance and supervision of medical residents, facilitating their professional, ethical and personal development through curricula, evaluation and resident supervision in support of safe and appropriate care for patients. As a sponsoring institution SUNY Downstate is committed to and assures that educational, financial, human resources and administrative structure are provided to support Graduate Medical Education conducted in a scholarly environment and committed to excellence in both education and medical care. This commitment is exhibited by the provision of leadership and financial and other resources that enables the institution to achieve compliance with the ACGME Institutional Requirements and to enable educational programs to achieve compliance with Residency Review Committee Program Requirements as well as all other regulatory and accrediting standards. This includes provision of an ethical and professional environment in which the educational curricular requirements, as well as the applicable requirements for scholarly activity, are met.

As the Sponsoring Institution, SUNY Downstate ensures that the Designated Institutional Official (DIO) has sufficient financial support and protected time to effectively carry out his educational and administrative responsibilities to the sponsoring institution, and the program directors have sufficient financial support and protected time to effectively carry out their educational and administrative responsibilities to their respective programs. The Sponsoring Institution and the program provides sufficient salary support and resources (e.g. time, space, technology, supplies) to allow for effective administration of the GME Office and all of its programs. The institution is committed to assuring that faculty and residents have ready access to adequate communication resources and technological support, and that residents have ready access to specialty/subspecialty-specific and other appropriate reference material in print or electronic format (e.g. electronic medical literature databases with search capabilities are available).

The Institutional support of these goals is monitored through existing reporting mechanisms by the President of the University, the Dean of the College of Medicine, the Chairs of the Clinical Departments, hospitals’ Medical Executive Committees, and the Graduate Medical Education Committee. The DIO and GMEC have been granted the authority and responsibility for the oversight and administration of the Sponsoring Institution’s programs and responsibility for assuring compliance with ACGME Common, specialty/subspecialty-specific Program, and Institutional Requirements. The regular assessment of the quality of all educational programs is recognized as an essential component of this commitment. 

January, 2012