
Quick Copy Center


The QCC no longer provides in-house services; ALL copy and print services are provided by external vendors. The QCC offers assistance and will coordinate the processing of external vendor print/copy services for your needs.  You are also welcomed to contact and request quotes directly from external vendors, or if you prefer, the QCC can provide you with cost estimates and vendor quotes. 

Recharges: If you intend to fund the copy/print job cost to a State Accounting Unit (AU) and the QCC coordinates your copy/job procurement, your job will be recharged to your the AU as a RECHARGE object code 9500.  The QCC processes recharges to Downstate Financial Management Office on a monthly basis, and Financial Management then uploads recharges to SUNY Business Intelligence (BI) system. Your dept adminsitrator can check the online BI system for your AU's current object code 9500 allocation to review your AU current year-to-date allocation and year to date expenses in order to determine your current available recharge balance available.

Alternatively and depending on the cost of your copy/job, Dept Administrators with a State PCard can process the job directly to the external vendor and make vendor PCard payment directly.

UHD Medical Record Forms Production

Most UHB Forms (authorized by Health Information Management -HIM, aka Medical Records) are available in UHD's Print on Demand system.

A very few UHD (HIM-Medical Record) Forms are stocked by Central Stores (catalog link)- only those very high volume forms used by multiple locations, or that require hard copy patient signature. 

DHSU Stationery: Letter Head, Envelopes and Business Cards

Downstate's Stationery Procurement Program through DupliOnline (Downstate Contracted vendor) to be used for all stationery products. First time State Account users will need to call or e-mail Portia London-John at Extension 1123 (718-270-1123) in the State Purchasing Department.

What will My Job Cost?

The actual cost of your job is dependent upon all set up, graphic design, production, finishing processes and shipping charges that are needed. External vendor job quotes/ prices are based on work specified in the quote only.  Changes in any specification in the quote will invalidate the original quoted price and require recalculation of the cost.