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Fax: 718-270-4773 , MailStop 61
Hours: Open Mon-Fri 8:30am to 4pm, except holidays.
(adjacent to Central Stores and Mail Services)
Unclaimed Incoming Parcels that arrived with non-compliant 'Ship To' labels (click here-excel list)
Chrome Users: downloaded file will briefly appear in upper right corner of your screen. To be sure you view the most current file, clear your browser cache !
n chrome browsers, the file is downloaded ) See Centerwide announcement (link to come)
Central Receiving receives and process incoming / outgoing shipments between the vendors and user departments. Downstate's Incoming Shipment protocols for "SHIP TO addressing" and "PO# protocol" apply to ALL Shipments regardless of funding source. Compliant shipping labels speed up internal delivery/ avoids delays. Non-compliant Ship To labels cause delays - the parcel is set aside for further manual investigation to determine the correct internal delivery Bldg & Rm #, and/or it's PO#.
If the internal delivery location is not staffed during normal business hours and no one available to accept the shipment upon its arrival: (1) Place a message on your door if another location is temporarily accepting your deliveries. or (2) CALL the vendor to delay any shipments if your office has no one available to accept the shipment upon its arrival, or (3) notify to make arrangements for your pickup at the Central Receiving or Mail Services reception desk. SPACE is NOT available at Central Receiving to hold your shipments unless you've made advance arrangments.
Attention ALL P-Card Users!: When placing a PCard funded order by telephone or online that involve a shipment to Downstate, BE CERTAIN to include accurate PO#= CCNN-NNN-NNN (N is depts normal Req #), and SHIP TO =
SUNY Downstate (DHSU, UHD, or the affiliate's company name are all acceptable)
Recipients Name, Building and Room # ( REQUIRED )
445 Lenox Rd ("450 Clarkson Ave" is OK; 445 Lenox Rd better helps drivers since the CRec entrance
is on Lenox Rd)
Brooklyn, NY 11203-2098
PO#: _______________ (REQUIRED; See Downstate's PO#@ formats )The PO# must appear somewhere on shipping label; can be in any ship to label reference field . Downstate Affiliates can use a PO# that begins with either A (for Affiliates) or CC (card purchase) followed by the affiliate's desired numbering format.
See Important PCard purchase details (link)
Your Downstate SHIPPING ADDRESS is different than your MAILING address!
Department of Administrative Services: Consolidated service units at a contiguous location to the extent practical, and commonly known as “Downstate Depot”, that currently includes: Central Receiving, Central Stores, Quick Copy Center, Mail/Messenger, Warehouse, and Property Control, and provides: