
Post-Doctoral & Faculty Research Training Programs

All  our training programs are supported by a mentorship network comprised of local and national mentors who have a track record of supporting the academic, professional, and personal growth of diverse trainees. This mentorship milieu fosters research independence, broadens mentorship circles, and serves as an incubator for new collaborations. Trainees participates in a mock study that includes a full review by a study section comprised of their peers and faculty, and revision of the application in collaboration with their mentor. This study section enhances competitiveness of career development grants and prepares for successful future funding that is necessary for promotion and tenure. 

The Translational Program of Health Disparities Research Training (TRANSPORT)

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TRANSPORT Training programs provides a foundation for developing a diverse biomedical and public health research workforce. This program provides an infrastructure for research training through didactic course work, structured mentorship, and opportunities for pilot funding. The endowment provides a steady source of funding with which to attract and recruit post-doctoral trainees, junior, as well as senior faculty. TRANSPORT also provides funding for biotechnical and biostatistical support. 

Center of Excellence (COE) Research Training Program

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In 2022, SUNY Downstate received a grant from Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to establish a Center of Excellence in diversity.  A signature program in the Center of Excellence is a 2-year structured, mentored research Fellowship in Health Equity Promotion for post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty who are interested in developing careers that address health disparities. This program is in partnership with the New York State Department of Health. Trainees have an opportunity to participate in public and health policy research with experts in the Department of Health.

Clinical Research Scholars (CREST) Program 

nimhCREST is a 2-year postdoctoral and junior faculty research training program that provides an equity-focused didactic curriculum and mentored clinical research experience for trainees who want to conduct innovative health disparities research and advance health equity. CREST provides a formal Masters of Public Health coursework supplemented with grant writing, research seminars, and structured mentorship designed for post-doctoral and junior faculty. CREST Trainees have an opportunity to add to their existing doctoral degrees an MPH with a concentration in Biostatistics.