
Publications of Dr. Henri Begleiter

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For publications after 1975 please check Publications of the Henri Begleiter Neurodynamics Laboratory in the menu to the left. (NOTE: This list includes Henri Begleiter's publications, as well as publications of other persons at the Neurodaynamics Laboratory).

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Kissin, B. and Begleiter, H. (eds.) (1974).
The Biology of Alcoholism, Volume 3, Clinical Pathology Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, pp 673.

Kissin, B. and Begleiter, H. (eds.) (1972).
The Biology of Alcoholism, Volume 2, Physiology and Behavior Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, pp 552.

Kissin, B. and Begleiter, H. (eds.) (1971).
The Biology of Alcoholism, Volume 1, Biochemistry Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, pp 630.

Begleiter, H. (1975).
Ethanol consumption subsequent to physical dependence. In: Gross, M.M. (ed.), Advances in experimental medicine and biology, Volume 59, Alcohol Intoxication and Withdrawal. Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, 373-378. (pdf file)

Porjesz, B. and Begleiter, H. (1975).
Alcohol and bilateral evoked brain potentials. In: Gross, M.M. (ed.), Advances in experimental medicine and biology, Volume 59, Alcohol Intoxication and Withdrawal. Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, 553-567. (pdf file)

Porjesz, B. and Begleiter, H. (1973).
The effects of alcohol on the somatosensory evoked potentials in man. In: Gross, M.M. (ed.), Advances in experimental medicine and biology, Volume 35, Alcohol intoxication and withdrawal experimental studies. Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, 345-350. (pdf file)

Begleiter, H., Gross, M.M., and Porjesz, B. (1973).
Recovery function and clinical symptomatology in acute alcoholization and withdrawal. In: Gross, M.M. (ed.), Advances in experimental medicine and biology, Volume 35, Alcohol intoxication and withdrawal experimental studies. Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, 407-413. (pdf file)

Begleiter, H. and Platz, A. (1972).
The effects of alcohol on the central nervous system in humans. In: Kissin, B., Begleiter, H. (eds.), The Biology of Alcoholism, Volume 2, Physiology and Behavior. Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York, 293-343. (pdf file)

Reviewed Articles

Begleiter, H. and Coltrera, M. (1975).

Evoked Potential Changes During Ethanol Withdrawal in Rats. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 2:263-268. (pdf file)Begleiter, H. and Porjesz, B. (1975).

Evoked brain potentials as indicators of decision-making. Science 187:754-755. (pdf file)Begleiter, H. and Porjesz, B. (1975).

On evoked potentials, cognition, and memory. Science 190:1004-1006. (pdf file)Porjesz, B. and Begleiter, H. (1975).

The effects of stimulus expectancy on evoked brain potentials. Psychophysiology 12:152-157. (pdf file)

Begleiter, H. (1974).

Propranolol and alcohol consumption in the rat. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 1:107-110. (pdf file)Begleiter, H., Porjesz, B., and Yerre-Grubstein, C. (1974).

Excitability cycle of somatosensory evoked potentials during experimental alcoholization and withdrawal. Psychopharmacologia 37:15-21. (pdf file)Ho, A.K.S., Tsai, C.S., Chen, R.C.A., Begleiter, H., and Kissin, B. (1974).

Experimental studies on alcoholism. I. Increased in alcohol preference by 5.6-dihydroxytryptamine and brain acetylcholine. Psychopharmacologia 40:101-107. (pdf file)

Begleiter, H., Porjesz, B., Yerre, C., and Kissin, B. (1973).

Evoked potential correlates of expected stimulus intensity. Science 179:814-816. (pdf file)

Begleiter, H., Branchey, M.H., and Kissin, B. (1972).
Effects of ethanol on evoked potentials in the rat. Behavioral Biology 7:137-142. (pdf file)

Begleiter, H. and Platz, A. (1971).

Electrophysiological changes during stimulus generalization. Psychoneurological Science 23:373-374. (pdf file)

Branchey, M., Begleiter, H., and Kissin, B. (1970).
The effect of various doses of alcohol on sleep in the rat. Communications in Behavioral Biology 5:75-79. (pdf file)

Begleiter, H., Gross, M.M., Porjesz, B., and Kissin, B. (1969).
The effects of awareness on cortical evoked potentials to conditioned affective stimuli. Psychophysiology 5:517-529. (pdf file)

Begleiter, H. and Platz, A. (1969).
Cortical evoked potentials to semantic stimuli. Psychophysiology 6:91-100. (pdf file)

Begleiter, H. and Platz, A. (1969).
Evoked potentials: modifications by classical conditioning. Science 166:769-771. (pdf file)

Begleiter, H., Gross, M.M., and Kissin, B. (1967).
Evoked cortical responses to affective visual stimuli. Psychophysiology 3:336-344. (pdf file)

Begleiter, H., Porjesz, B., and Gross, M.M. (1967).
Cortical evoked potentials and psychopathology. A critical review. Archives of General Psychiatry 17:755-758. (pdf file)

Gross, M.M., Begleiter, H., Tobin, M., and Kissin, B. (1966).
Changes in auditory evoked response induced by alcohol. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 143:152-156. (pdf file)

Gross, M.M., Begleiter, H., Tobin, M., and Kissin, B. (1965).
Auditory evoked response comparison during counting clicks and reading. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 18:451-454. (pdf file)