

Downstate's history has been marked by excellence. Our researchers have invented the MRI and won Nobel Prizes. Our work today, whether in basic science, clinical trials, translational research or improving the mechanisms of healthcare itself, holds just as much promise.

Research at Downstate

In health care, research is the foundation for everything we do. SUNY Downstate faculty and staff contribute daily to knowledge that shapes our world.

Whether our researchers peer through a microscope or put a microscope on the practice of healthcare itself, our work changes the world.

Research at SUNY Downstate has yielded decades of innovation. Ongoing work in the basic sciences, translational research and clinical trials continue that legacy. And we continue to make advances, in public health studies, health information technology and evidence-based research on nursing.

The result: Medicine and healthcare as equitable as it is advanced.

As Downstate is the only academic medical center in Brooklyn, we're in a unique position to bring together biomedical scientists, clinical researchers and practitioners. We encourage students in each of our programs to pursue research opportunities, and faculty from each of our schools and colleges are available as research mentors. Ongoing strengths include learning and memory mechanisms; pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and cardiomyopathy; HIV/AIDS; immunology; pain and addiction; neurology; ophthalmology; and optical tomography imaging technology.

Our Office of Research Administration can provide grant writing support, research ramp-up plans and other guidance. Opportunities are also available at three Downstate-operated commercial research facilities: The Downstate Biotechnology Incubator, Tech @ 710, and BioBAT at the Brooklyn Army Terminal.

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We make biotechnology happen.

Our Biotech Park and BioBAT put Downstate's resources at your fingertips. Your business can gain access to our equipment—and our insights.

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