April 2023 Announcements
By Office of Communications & Marketing | Apr 1, 2023
Funeral Arrangements for
Dr. Susan Toby Schwartz-Giblin
the third Dean of the Graduate School
from 1997 until 2008
It is with sadness that the School of Graduate Studies announces the passing of Dr.
Susan Schwartz-Giblin, the third dean in the school’s history. Dr. Schwartz-Giblin
served as Graduate School Dean from 1997 until 2008. Prior to her service at Downstate,
Dr. Schwartz-Giblin served as Vice Dean and then Dean of the Graduate School of Hahnemann
University (1993-1996).
Dr. Schwartz-Giblin received a bachelor’s degree in zoology from Barnard College, Columbia University and then her PhD in Physiology with Dr. Vahe Amassian from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. After a post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Kresimir Krnjevic at McGill University, Dr. Schwartz-Giblin held faculty positions at NYU (1966-1972), Hunter College (1975-1981), and the Rockefeller University (1981-1993) before taking the Vice Dean position at Hahnemann University. Vahe Amassian’s and Susan Schwartz-Giblin’s paths crossed again when both were later at Downstate.
Dr. Schwartz-Giblin’s research ranged from studies of inhibitory neurotransmission with Dr. Krnjevic to studies of steroid hormones and sex differences on neuronal function with Dr. Donald Pfaff and others.
At Downstate, Dr. Schwartz-Giblin was responsible for starting the joint Program in Biomedical Engineering with the private Polytechnic University. She also presided over the Graduate School’s transition away from departmental-based programs to inter-departmental programs in Neural & Behavioral Science and Molecular & Cellular Biology.
Her energy and kindness, her stories and her laughter will be missed by all who knew her.
Funeral Services will be at the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Home, on Madison and 81st Street, on Monday April 24th at 11:00am.
Cafeteria Renovation and Expansion Project – Construction Activity Update
We ask for your cooperation and patience as construction continues.
Beginning Monday, April 17, there will be two noise and vibration generating activities being performed in the area of the Lenox road drive in ramp to the Service Yard. Test piles will be installed and an exterior concrete stair will be demolished. These activities will effect the west wing of the Hospital, BSB occupants, as well as the east rooms of the HSEB. It will take place form 7 :00 AM till 3:30 PM, Monday through Friday and will last for about three weeks.
We are planning to move this project forward with minimal disruption to our daily operations. We appreciate your patience and cooperation and will provide frequent updates as the project evolves.
Please direct any questions to:
Jason Elijio at ext. 3242
Anthony Piscopo at ext. 4668
Alesia Varga at ext. 3714
UPDATE: Wearing Masks in the Hospital and Clinical Areas
As of now, we will not screen staff or visitors at the entrance utilizing WellScreen or with hand-held devices. If any employee has any symptoms related to COVID-19, please report to Employee Health Service.
Masks are to be worn on all inpatient nursing units, the Emergency Department, procedure areas, diagnostic testing areas, Student Health Center, Employee Health Service, and all outpatient clinics.
Masking will no longer be required in first-floor corridors, lobbies, the cafeteria, break rooms, conference rooms, and offices.
Staff who elect to wear face masks should continue to feel comfortable doing so.
It is strongly recommended that staff, patients, and visitors with respiratory symptoms wear a face mask and practice respiratory etiquette.
The Infection Control Office actively monitors the situation and will adjust the hospital masking policy accordingly. Our paramount concern remains with the safety of our patients, visitors, and staff.
We thank everyone for their continued dedication and cooperation.
SUNY Pilot Telecommuting Policy Extended through June 30, 2023
As a reminder, SUNY has extended the Pilot Telecommuting Policy until June 30, 2023.
If you are an employee whose title has been identified as eligible to telecommute, please be advised that the SUNY Telecommuting Policy set to expire for UUP, CSEA, NYSCOPBA, and PBANYS on December 31, 2022, has been extended to June 30, 2023. Therefore, if you have an approved application, no further action is required on your part.
If you have not submitted your telecommuting application and would like to participate, please contact humanresources@downstate.edu for more information.
Upcoming Events
Accessibility/Disability National Public Health Week Event
Tuesday April 4, 2023
5:30 PM
At SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, we train the next generation of public health leaders and professionals to improve the overall health of communities. We do that by developing strong ties to our surrounding community and building community within the institution. At our next SPH Info Session, we will be discussing “Accessibility/Disability” during National Public Health Week.
Tuesday, April 4 at 5:30 pm, join us in-person or online for our Accessibility/Disability National Public Health Week Event! Understand Accessibility Challenges in the United States. Learn how to promote accessibility through advocacy and Learn about SPH Programs & Scholarship Opportunities. Refreshments will be served.
We look forward to having you become a member of this amazing and impactful community. See you then!
WellNYS Everyday Monthly Webinar
Thursday April 5, 2023
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Black Maternal Health Week
Thursday April 11-17, 2023
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Resilence and Burnout in Nursing
Thursday April 13, 2023
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) will be hosting a webinar
Monday, April 17, 2023
SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University has partnered with 511NY Rideshare, The New York City Department of Transportation and Bike New York to host a 45-minute virtual event for employees on biking. Whether you like to bike for cardio, leisure, running errands or to commute to work you'll learn important information and tips on biking in NYC. We will cover topics including:
- How to commute on a bike, route planning and getting bike supplies
- Bikes on transit and revised transit schedules
- Bike New York –most important things to know as a rider
- Bike maintenance & safety tips from the NYCDOT and Bike New York
- Info on local and NYS bike trails
Earth Day is April 22! You can take the pledge and challenge your classmates, co-workers, friends, and neighbors to join you, and earn your Earth Month badge. Together, we can make our community a healthier place to live!
Take the pledge online or text a fun pic of your sustainable activity to share on social media at (347) 609-7930.
For more information, please contact your EAP Coordinator, Magda Alliancin, EdD @
ext. 1489
email: magda.alliancin@downstate.edu
Annual Research Day 2023
Wednesday April 19, 2023
10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
SPH Info Session Exclusively for Clinicians
Wednesday April 19, 2023
5:30 PM
Join us Wednesday, April 19 at 5:30 pm for an exclusive Clinicians Info Session via Zoom! Learn about scholarship opportunities and hear from our dynamic faculty and leadership team!
We look forward to having you become a member of this amazing and impactful community. See you then!
Third Annual SOHP Dean’s Lecture Series: “Using Data-driven Decision Making to Improve a Clinical Practice or Program”
Wednesday April 26, 2023
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Earth Day 2023
Wednesday April 26, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Breaking Barriers to Transplantation: from Listing to Follow-up
Thursday April 27, 2023
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Advances in AI in Healthcare and Health Informatics
Friday April 27, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
6th ANNUAL TRANSPORT SYMPOSIUM Advancing the Science of Community Engaged Research (CEnR) II
Friday April 28, 2023
8:30 AM - 1:30 PM
LEND Workshop Panel Discussion: Neurodiversity Self-Advocate Panel
April 28th, 2023
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Holidays / Observances
Celebrating Medical Laboratory Professionals Week 2023
Medical Laboratory Professionals Week is celebrated annually, allowing for public appreciation of these professionals and a time of helping others understand how their scientific research and innovation, medical diagnosis, and patient care contribute to healthcare systems. The laboratory is a collection of professionals—from pathologists to lab technologists and phlebotomists —whose work is at the heart of understanding various illnesses. They also provide critical results that impact the care and treatment of patients.
Medical teams at University Hospital at Downstate depend greatly on laboratory staff to develop the most accurate, safe, and life-preserving conclusions and solutions for patient care. Our labs run year-round to support clinical services. Lab professionals play essential roles in healthcare and everyday life—none of us could do our jobs if they did not do theirs.
Join us in celebrating MEDICAL LABORATORY PROFESSIONALS WEEK! Thank you for your tireless behind-the-scenes work, especially considering the endless demands for testing.
Occupational Therapy Month celebrates occupational therapists (OT), educates the public, and advances the profession of these essential members of the healthcare team.
For those recuperating from physical or mental illnesses, occupational therapists provide rehabilitation therapy by helping patients more easily perform daily tasks with customized strategies and environments to develop and maximize patients’ potential.
Occupational Therapists provide resources as advocates to improve healthcare and focus on psychological, physical, emotional, and social wellbeing. They are in schools, hospitals, outpatient clinics, home health agencies, mental health facilities, and in private practices. Their work is often credited with reducing hospital readmissions.
As we honor these healthcare workers during this month, we want to send special thanks to Occupational Therapists who nurture and educate future therapists and our clinicians who provide care to patients here at Downstate. Your advocacy and efforts are recognized and celebrated each day. Thanks for all that you do.
Happy Occupational Therapy Month!
Begins Wednesday, April 5 - Thursday, April 13
Sunday, April 9
Earth Day
Saturday, April 22
Administrative Professionals Day
Wednesday, April 26
Hospital and Campus Employee Observances to Note
4/7: Hospital Admitting Clerks Day
4/14: Pathologists Assistant Day
4/16: National Librarian Day
4/26: Administrative Professionals’ Day
Health Observances
4/1: Lupus Alert Day
4/2: World Autism Acceptance Day
4/2: World Autism Awareness Day
4/4: National Sexual Assault Awareness Day of Action
4/5: Donate Life Living Donor Day
4/7: World Health Day
4/10: National Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day
4/11: International Day for Maternal Health and Rights
4/11: World Parkinson’s Disease Day
4/14: National Donate Life (Blue and Green) Day
4/16: Emancipation Day (Lincoln signed Act into lay in 1862)
4/17: World Hemophilia Day
4/18: International Adult Autism Awareness Day
4/25: National DNA Day (20th anniversary of the Human Genome Project’s completion and the 70th anniversary of the discovery of the DNA double helix)
4/25: World Malaria Day
4/28: World Day for Safety and Health at Work
4/30: National Sarcoidosis Day
Cultural/Religious/ Miscellaneous Observances
4/2: Palm Sunday (Christian)
4/4: Memorial of Christ Death (Jehovah’s Witnesses)
4/5: Qingming Festival (Chinese)
4/5-4/13: Passover (Jewish)
4/6: Good Friday (Christian)
4/9: Easter (Christian)
4/14: Mahavir Jayanti (Jain)
4/14: Vaisakhi (Sikh/Hindu)
4/14: Eastern Orthodox Good riday
4/16: Orthodox Easter
(Greek/Eastern Orthodox)
Hospital and Campus Employee Observances
- 4/16-22: National Volunteer Appreciation Week
- 4/17-21: Health Information Professionals Week
- 4/23-29: Administrative Professionals Week
- 4/23-29: Patient Experience Week
- 4/23-29: Medical Laboratory Professionals Week
- 4/25-5/2: Transplant Nurses Week
Health Observances:
4/1-7: Medication Safety Week
4/1-7: Testicular Cancer Awareness Week
4/3-9: National Public Health Week
4/9-15: STD Awareness Week
4/11-17: Black Maternal Health Week
4/16-22: Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Awareness Week
4/23-29: National Pediatric Transplant Week
4/24-28: Every Kid Healthy Week
4/24-30: World Immunization Week
Cultural/Religious/ Miscellaneous Observances
3/22-4/20: Ramadan (Islam)
4/17-18: Yom HaShoah
(Holocaust Memorial Day) -
4/20-5/2: Festival of Ridvan (Bahái)
4/21-22: Eid al-Fitr (Islam)
4/22: Earth Day
4/27: Take Your Kids to Work Day
4/27-29: Gathering of Nations
(Native American Tribes)
National Cultural Months
Celebrate Diversity Month
Earth Day/Earth Month
National Arab American Heritage Month
Health Observances:
- National Alcohol Awareness Month
- National Autism Awareness Month
- National Cancer Control Month
- National Child Abuse Prevention Month
- National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
- National Donate Life Month
- National Mental Health Awareness Month
- National Minority Health Month
- National Interprofessional Healthcare Month
- National Occupational Therapy Month
- National Parkinson’s Awareness Month
- National Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month
- African American Women’s Fitness Month
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month
- Medicaid Awareness Month
- Rosacea Awareness Month
- STI Awareness Month
- Stress Awareness Month
- Testicular Cancer Awareness Month
Check back for regular updates to this page!
* New information highlighted in yellow *