Resident-Led Committees

Class Representative Committee
Two residents from every PGY level are elected democratically to represent and advocate for their class. Every month, these representatives meet with the department and residency leadership to share their interests, concerns, and feedback regarding their residency experience. The leadership then provides updates and supports initiatives to achieve the residency program's goals.

Media Committee
The department's research fellows and residents collaborate closely with department leadership to promote the department's spirit. The committee convenes every month to ensure that the website, newsletter, and social media platforms are regularly updated. Additionally, the media committee members participate in the recruitment of new residents, collaborate with other committees, coordinate events, and ensure that individual and program-wide accomplishments are highlighted.

Wellness Committee
Residents in the wellness committee gather regularly to plan activities, both department-funded and resident-only, in order to promote well-being and camaraderie. Examples of wellness activities include dinners, bowling, ice skating, and park picnics.

Simulation Committee
This is a resident-led initiative to develop and implement a surgical skills curriculum for junior residents that includes suturing, knot-tying, ultrasound skills, central line placement, airway management, and trauma simulation. All residents work alongside faculty to practice laparoscopic, endoscopic, and robotic surgery.