Program Director's Message

Michael Reinhardt, MD
Director of Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship
Welcome to our Geriatric Fellowship Program website. The Geriatric Fellowship Program, which began in 1984, is one of the oldest geriatric psychiatry training programs in the country. It provides training for academic and clinical careers in geriatric medicine and psychiatry.
The program, based at State University of New York Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, N.Y., focuses on work in urban and public settings, as well as cultural issues in geriatric care. The program emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach to geriatrics with considerable interaction among the fellows in each specialty. Both disciplines are exposed to a variety of inpatient, long-term care, and community settings. Participants also receive additional training in pedagogical techniques, information technology, and cross-cultural education. The programs are certified by the ACGME, and qualify graduates for subspecialty board certification. The training program is a a one-year fellowship. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (718) 270-2907. I will be happy to answer any questions about the program.
Michael Reinhardt, MD
Director of Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship
Program Overview
The program and curriculum will comply with ACGME requirements. The program has received ACGME certification. Certification allowed previous fellows to become eligible for geriatric certification. These include mandatory experiences in an acute care hospital, a long-term care facility, long-term non-institutional care, ambulatory care programs, and additional clinical experience such as rehabilitation units, community care for the elderly mentally retarded, comprehensive evaluation units, home visits, and consultative services.
The specific objective of the Geriatric Medicine Program is to establish a geriatrics training program in an environment aimed at providing eldercare for an ethnically and culturally diverse population of predominantly underserved patients with emphasis on continuity, coordination and comprehensiveness of care across the biopsychosocial spectrum in both the ambulatory and inpatient, especially nursing home, settings. In addition, we will integrate into the geriatric training program an established palliative care/hospice program run by a team of qualified palliationists. This component of the fellowship will have both in-depth and broad exposure to end of life issues and permits eligibility for a certificate of added qualification in palliative care.
The fellowship also includes rotations in subspecialties focused on issues germane to the comprehensive practice of geriatrics including geropsychiatry, physical medicine and rehabilitation, neurology, gerodentistry, audiology, optometry, podiatry, sleep disorders and opportunities for electives in areas such as geriatric rheumatology or orthopedics. Continuity of Care, the dominant clinical feature of the training program, will have two components – ambulatory and inpatient, especially Nursing Home.
Program details:
This is a 1 year ACGME approved training program. The primary goal of this training program is to produce academic and clinical specialists in the delivery of skilled and comprehensive psychiatric medical care of older adults suffering from psychiatric and neuropsychiatric disorders. The program also provides advanced training for the resident to function as an effective consultant in the subspecialty. There is a comprehensive array of clinical experiences include an acute geriatric psychiatry inpatient unit, an intermediate care unit, long-term care facilities, consultation–liaison, a geriatric medicine clinic, palliative care rotation, a geroneurology clinic, a dementia clinic, a geriatric psychiatry clinic, and community outreach. The program emphasizes scholarship, self-instruction, critical analysis of clinical problems, consideration of economic and cultural issues, and the ability to make appropriate decisions. Unique elements of this program include preparation of trainees to work in academic and multicultural public settings, and its training of psychiatrists in conjunction with the training of fellows in geriatric medicine. There are opportunities to travel to academic meetings and attend programs to develop teaching and other academic skills.
Program details: