Scholarly Work
Every week during the ambulatory block, residents have dedicated time to work on quality improvement projects. These are guided sessions where you will learn to choose a topic, devise a question, obtain data, create an intervention, study the outcome and write it up for submission to a conference.
We have been successful in getting numerous abstracts accepted at various local and national conferences.
Click the titles if you're interested in reading the abstracts.
2023 Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)
ExRx: Seated Resistance Band Exercise Program for Older Adults
Lee MS, Solanki V, Shafi A, McGarvey SA, Williams NA, Akinwumi DO, Aligwo E, Kadir MA, Chang AA, Akkari N. ExRx: Seated Resistance Band Exercise Program for Older Adults. Poster session accepted for presentation at General Internal Medicine: Meeting the Promise of Tomorrow. Annual Meeting for the Society of General Internal Medicine; 2023; May 10-13; Denver, CO.
2022 Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)
If you build it, will they come? Storytelling and a standardized educational tool increase primary care connections to community health workers.
Syracuse B, Goldhill S, Xiong P, Srinivasan V, Williams N, Chang A, McGarvey S, Stevens D, Lee MS. If you build it, will they come? Storytelling and a standardized educational tool increase primary care connections to community health workers. Poster session accepted for oral presentation at Cultivating Connections: Moving Forward Together, Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting for the Society of General Internal Medicine; 2022; October 20-21; Virtual Conference.
Tackling Diabetes Together: Can Multidisciplinary Team Based Care Get Patients to the Endzone?
Seong G, Gandhi J, Patel KD, Antenor V, Xiong P, Syracuse B, Srinivasan V, Goldhill S, Williams N, Chang AA, Stevens D, Lee MS. Tackling Diabetes Together: Can Multidisciplinary Team Based Care Get Patients to the Endzone? Poster session accepted for presentation at Cultivating Connections: Moving Forward Together, Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting for the Society of General Internal Medicine; 2022; October 20-21; Virtual Conference.
When MI Saves Lives: Motivational Interviewing Unclogs Barriers to COVID Vaccine
Lee MS, Kolawole O, Bistoury MJ, Compere R, Delva C, Sadaqat M, McGarvey S, Williams N, Chang A, Stevens D. When MI Saves Lives: Motivational Interviewing Unclogs Barriers to COVID Vaccine. Poster session accepted for oral presentation at Cultivating Connections: Moving Forward Together, Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting for the Society of General Internal Medicine; 2022; October 20-21; Virtual Conference.
2021 Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)
Akter K, Blessington B, Qaiser Y, Khanam A. Al-Bermani T, Kumar S, Dreamer L, Williams N, Chang A, Stevens D, Parisi A, Lee MS. Breaking Sad: Improving Chronic Illness Through the Impact Collaborative Care Model for Management of Depression in an Urban Underserved Primary Care Practice. Poster session accepted for presentation at Transforming Values into Action. Annual Meeting for the Society of General Internal Medicine; 2021; April 20-23; Virtual Conference.
Jaber D, Solanki V, Chillumuntala S, Goel R, McCormick I, Sattar Z, Onafalujo E, Botti E, Azer M, Chang A, Williams N, Stevens D, Lee MS. How Smart Is Your Goal? Resident Motivational Interviewing Brief Interventions to Calibrate Patient Goals in Managing Uncontrolled Diabetes. Poster session accepted for presentation at Transforming Values into Action. Annual Meeting for the Society of General Internal Medicine; 2021; April 20-23; Virtual Conference.
Oluya M, Mendoza L, Thomson A, Trujillo J, Kashani D, Canaday F, Akadri M, Jouharian P, Shafi A, McGarvey S, Williams N, Bergman R, Chang A, Stevens D, Lee MS. What Matters Most? A Curriculum to Advance Motivation and Confidence in Serious Illness Conversations. Poster session accepted for presentation at Transforming Values into Action. Annual Meeting for the Society of General Internal Medicine; 2021; April 20-23; Virtual Conference.
Lee MS, Stevens D, Barai N, Williams N. Effective Use of Clinical Volunteers in a Disaster: Just in Time Skills Development for Staff Supporting High Risk Care Transitions. Poster session accepted for presentation at Transforming Values into Action. Annual Meeting for the Society of General Internal Medicine; 2021; April 20-23; Virtual Conference.
2020 Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)
Breaking the Ice for Health Care Proxy Discussions
Blackman K, Oluya M, Thomson A, Jani A, Chesen B, Malhotra-Gupta G, Williams NA, Chang AA, Stevens DL, Lee MS.
Accepted for presentation at the SGIM 2020 Annual Meeting.
’Here’s My Card: Assessing Patient Perception About Access to Resident Primary Care
Likhtshteyn M, Smith J, Gandara B, Borhanjoo P, Onafalujo E, Akintola A, Chang AA, Williams NA, Stevens DL, Lee MS.
Accepted for presentation at the SGIM 2020 Annual Meeting.
Zhyvotovska A, Yusupov D, Abdul R, Skwiersky S, Puskoor A, Williams NA, Lee MS, Stevens DL, Chang AA.
Accepted for presentation at the SGIM 2020 Annual Meeting.
Oleszak F, Aboushi H, Chaudhary H, Cha H, Stevens DL, Chang AA, Williams NA, Lee MS.
Accepted for presentation at the SGIM 2020 Annual Meeting.
Serving Health on MyPlate: Visual Tools Guide Healthy Eating
Virmani C, Tan S, Perez J, Sattar Z, Grant C, Botti E, Joseph S, Stevens DL, Chang AA, Lee MS.
Accepted for presentation at the SGIM 2020 Annual Meeting.
2019 Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)
Cha H, Oleszak F, Awwad A, Chaudhary H, Dreamer L, Lee MS, Chang AA, Stevens DL.
Oral presentation given at SGIM 2019: Courage to Lead: Equity, Engagement, and Advocacy in Turbulent Times, Annual Meeting for the Society of General Internal Medicine; 2019, May 8-11; Washington, DC.
To B19 again: Transient aplastic crisis in hemoglobin SC disease.
Azera B, Barrett-Campbell O, Chang AA.
Poster session presented at Courage to Lead: Equity, Engagement, and Advocacy in Turbulent Times, Annual Meeting for the Society of General Internal Medicine; 2019, May 8-11; Washington, DC.
Yusupov D, Brown J, Grant C, Gupta N, Malhotra-Gupta G, Likhtshteyn M, Lee MS, Stevens DL, Chang AA.
Poster session presented at Courage to Lead: Equity, Engagement, and Advocacy in Turbulent Times, Annual Meeting for the Society of General Internal Medicine; 2019, May 8-11; Washington, DC.
Demystifying the influenza vaccine: Video media improves vaccine acceptance rates in an underserved urban resident-physician primary care clinic.
Malhotra-Gupta G, Kreps AI, Policastro L, Francis EM, Mendoza L, Kashani D, Chang AA, Stevens DL, Lee MS.
Poster session presented at Courage to Lead: Equity, Engagement, and Advocacy in Turbulent Times, Annual Meeting for the Society of General Internal Medicine; 2019, May 8-11; Washington, DC.
Food as medicine: Medical nutrition therapy for patients living with diabetes.
Bhamra M, Khan M, Francois J, Sainvilien D, Lee MS, Ickowicz M, Chang AA.
Poster session presented at Courage to Lead: Equity, Engagement, and Advocacy in Turbulent Times, Annual Meeting for the Society of General Internal Medicine; 2019, May 8-11; Washington, DC.
2018 Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)
AUTHORS: Nicholas Taklalsingh, Denis Yusupov, Odeth Barrett-Campbell, Jordonna Brown, Daniel Abraham, Shabaz Ahmed, Yakira David, Melissa S. Lee, Andrew A. Chang
Should Routine CBCs be Routine? Lessons Learned in an Urban Resident Primary Care Clinic
AUTHORS: Christian Abrahim, Bryan Chesen, Lucas Policastro, Gayatri Malhotra-Gupta, Joie Singh, Andrew Lee, Yakira David, Melissa Lee, Andrew Chang
Fostering Self-Directed Online Learning through Resident-Led Group Teaching
AUTHORS: Yakira David, Andrew A. Chang, Melissa S. Lee
Missed Opportunities for Osteopo rosis Screening and Treatment in an Urban Underserved Primary Care Resident Clinic
AUTHORS: Kirolos Iskander, Tracian A. James-Goulbourne, Michael Post, Michael Trevisonno, Michelle Likhtshteyn, Steven Song, Mahyar Pourriahi, Yakira David, Andrew A. Chang, Melissa S. Lee
AUTHORS: Yakira David, Melissa Lee, Andrew A. Chang
AUTHORS: Daniel Abraham, Shabaz Ahmed, Christian Abrahim, Rajshi Akruwala, Asana Anderson, Yakira David, Gayatri Lessey, Akeem R. Lewis, Addie Martin, Terry Marryshow, Venu Pasricha, Dal
e Railwah, Nikita Barai, Andrew A. Chang, Moses Lee, Melissa S. Lee
Cutting the Cocaine: A Case of Levamisole Induced Vasculitis
AUTHORS: Tracian A. James-Goulbourne, Odeth Barrett-Campbell, Rochelle Hardie, Jordonna Brown, Clive A. Goulbourne, Andrew A. Chang
Improving Hypertension Control in a Safety Net System: The Treat to Target Program
Hepatitis C Screening Rates in a Large Urban Underserved Academic Center’s Resident Practice
AUTHORS: Alexandra I. Kreps, Chandana Das, Emmanuel M. Francis, Nimira Jina, Sadat Iqbal, Tyion Torres, Yakira David, Melissa S. Lee, Andrew A. Chang
2018 Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine (APDIM)
Phone a Patient: Resident Televisits Build Relationships and Enhance Patient Self-Management
AUTHORS: Melissa Lee MD, Yakira David MD, Madhavi Kolla MD, Deomattie Singh, Andrew Chang MD, Lorraine Ryan RN Esq., David Stevens MD
2018 SUNY Downstate Research Day
PLATFORM PRESENTATION - AUTHORS: Nicholas Taklalsingh, Denis Yusupov, Odeth Barrett-Campbell, Jordonna Brown, Daniel Abraham, Shabaz Ahmed, Yakira David, Melissa S. Lee, Andrew A. Chang
2018 MSSNY Research Symposium
AUTHORS: Tracian A. James-Goulbourne, Odeth Barrett-Campbell, Rochelle Hardie, Jordonna Brown, Clive A. Goulbourne, Andrew A. Chang
2018 SUNY Downstate Cancer Health Disparities Symposium
AUTHORS: Nicholas Taklalsingh, Denis Yusupov, Odeth Barrett-Campbell, Jordonna Brown, Daniel Abraham, Shabaz Ahmed, Yakira David, Melissa S. Lee, Andrew A. Chang
2018 4th Annual Mayo Clinic Rheumatology Review for Primary Care
AUTHORS: Kirolos Iskander, Tracian A. James-Goulbourne, Michael Post, Michael Trevisonno, Michelle Likhtshteyn, Steven Song, Mahyar Pourriahi, Yakira David, Andrew A. Chang, Melissa S. Lee
2017 SUNY Downstate Research Day
AUTHORS: Daniel Abraham, Shabaz Ahmed, Christian Abrahim, Rajshi Akruwala, Asana Anderson, Yakira David, Gayatri Lessey, Akeem R. Lewis, Addie Martin, Terry Marryshow, Venu Pasricha, Dale Railwah, Nikita Barai, Andrew A. Chang, Moses Lee, Melissa S. Lee
Clearing the Air: Improving Tobacco Use Screening in Resident Clinic
AUTHORS: Goulbourne C, Iram Z, Iskander K, James-Goulbourne T, Karian D, Kupferstein E, Post M, Pourriahi M, Pujals-Kury J, Savjani M, Song S, Tiyouh M, Barai N, Chang AA, Lee M, Lee MS, Stevens D.
What’s your number? Engagement opportunities for patients with uncontrolled diabetes
AUTHORS: Barrett-Campbell O, Francis E, Hardie R, Iqbal S, Jina N, Lee A, Singh J, Taklalsingh N, Theetha-Kariyanna P, Torres T, Yurevich O, Barai N, Chang AA, Lee M, Lee MS, Stevens D.
2017 Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)
ORAL PRESENTATION, AUTHORS: Moses Lee, Melissa. S. Lee, Andrew A. Chang, David Stevens
AUTHORS: Melissa S Lee, Andrew A Chang, Moses Lee, David Stevens
AUTHORS: Andrew. A. Chang, Melissa S. Lee, Moses Lee, Nikita Barai, David Stevens
Sickly sweet: Challenges in diagnosing dysglycemia in a patient with Sickle Cell Trait
AUTHORS: Odeth Barrett-Campbell, Andrew A. Chang