Procurement Card (PCard)

PCards are intended to be the primary payment method for routine, authorized business purchases within the cardholder’s delegated authority limit. The PCard program is meant to supplement purchasing mechanisms already in place, and is not intended as an overall replacement or as a means to circumvent purchasing guidelines, requirements, and policies and procedures established by Downstate. If use of the PCard is not practical, the use of Downstate’s existing mechanisms such as purchase orders and personal expense reimbursements may be utilized. The standard single transaction limit is $4,999 whereas the overall credit limit is $50,000. If an increase in either is needed, please complete a credit limit increase form and submit with an approved requisition and quote from the vendor.
Certification and expense report submissions for PCard are due on the 10th of every month.
All card type package submissions must include the following in this order:
- [PCard only] Certification Page, signed and dated by both Cardholder and Cardholder’s Supervisor.
- J.P. Morgan Bank Statement.
- Purchase requisition, approved and dated prior to the purchase of the item, with all applicable required documents, such as quote, invoice, proof of receipt. Requisitions with support must be ordered to match the order that the transactions appear on the J.P. Morgan Bank Statement.
Important Shipping Information- Attention ALL PCard Users!
Important "Ship to" detail instructions and tips (detail link)
When placing a PCard funded order online or by telephone that involves a shipment to Downstate, be certain to include accurate PO# = CCNN-NNN-NNN, where N is the department's normal Req.
All Downstate incoming Shipments - ALL funding sources including ‘No-Charge’ (PO#=NC) shipments received through Central Receiving must be in the following format (note required fields):
SUNY Downstate (DHSU, UHD, or affiliate's company are all acceptable)
Recipients Name or Dept; Building and Room # (REQUIRED)
445 Lenox Rd ("450 Clarkson Ave" is OK; 445 Lenox Rd better helps drivers since the CRec entrance
is on Lenox Rd)
Brooklyn, NY 11203-2098
PO#: _______________ (REQUIRED)
The PO# must appear somewhere on shipping label (any reference field). See Downstate's PO#@ formats.
All shipments must have a packing list attached to the OUTSIDE of each package (or to the outside of palletized shipments).