Large Mailings
When planning any large or costly mailings, Mail Services needs to be consulted in advance in order to obtain information about the most economical USPS class and to assure adequate postage funds are available in DHSU's postage meters.
Departmental or affiliate funding is required for large mailings (over 100 pieces, whether submitted at one time or the same mailing over the course of several days).
First Class Delivery for Large Mailings
Planning a 1st Class delivery large mailing? Want a more professional look to the Mailpiece/Brochure? Permit Imprint is a popular and convenient way to pay for postage, especially for high volume mailings. Instead of using precanceled stamps or a postage meter, the sender prints postage premit information in the upper right corner of the mailpiece. This postage block is called an "indicia." The indicia is printed onto each mailpiece. Among the benefits of utilizing a Permit Imprint indicia are:
- A Permit Imprint only becomes postage when you bring those pieces into the Post Office as part of a bulk mailing. Because there isn't "live" postage on these pieces, you can print lots in advance and mail smaller quantities over time as needed.
- Saves mail processing time because you’re not affixing postage to each piece.
- Eliminates the need of affixing the correct amount of postage on each piece as postal rates change.
Sample of what a Permit Imprint looks like:
To use the SUNY Downstate Permit Imprint, contact Mailservices at x1175 during the planning stage of the mailing (prior to printing). We will provide you with the Permit Number, Artwork and pertinent information required by the US Postal Service to make your mailing a success
Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMB). The United States Postal Service (USPS) announced retirement of the current POSTNET
barcode as of January 2013 (initially targeted May 2011) and replace it with a new
IMB. Extension granted to provide Businesses with additional time to comply Contact
Mail Services for assistance in planning.