Daily Mail Pick-Ups
Pickup & delivery service is provided by Mail Services daily to each of the 250+ Downstate departmental mail stop locations throughout all campus buildings, Monday to Friday except holidays on pre-determined mail delivery routes. While the time of the daily delivery pickup is frequently consistent, it may fluctuate depending on daily staffing conditions. Any office with mail service needs that occur after the routine daily pick-up and delivery, the office needs to physically bring mail to the Mail Services and give to the supervisor on duty for priority processing. In each office, mail pick-up trays/baskets should separate the following types of mail:
- Inter-Office mail
- United States Postal Service (USPS) mail to be stamped (see OUTGOING MAIL for additional information)
- Pre-stamped USPS mail
- any special courier service items (see Special Mail Services)
Call Mail Services at extension 1175 for assistance or consultation.
Departments that are not present daily (are CLOSED or remote worker/s) on a regular basis: Offices can have their mail held at Mail Services until someone from that office picks it up from Mail Services (UH Rm B530D). Alternatively, if you have another nearby office that is OPEN every weekday, you can make arrangements with that other office to accept your daily mail. If just briefly unoccupied, place a note on the door with expected return time or the alternate other location that will accept your deliveries.
Send email to MailServices@downstate.edu requesting your daily mail be delivered to that alternate location on any day when no one is present.
Downstate Mail Stop Codes (MSC) are assigned based upon a department's location (Building and Room#); MSC's are not assigned to individual persons. Once a department has an established MSC, the department retains the same MSC as the department relocates to any new Building/Rm#. DON'T USE THE TERM "Box"#; learn why (link).
Your Downstate Official Mailing Address format (link). All Incoming and interoffice mail is sorted to the MSC # that the item is addressed to. For all expected parcel shipments, use your DHSU required Shipping Address format (link).
When a Department relocation occurs, the department head must:
- Notify Mail Services (email link) so that the associated daily mail route for that MSC is adjusted / updated.
- Update the affected Downstate webDirectory listing(s) - Both the individual name listings AND your dept listings. Links to submit updates are on the webDirectory.
When an individual person transfers to new dept, or dept relocates or changes phone#s: Important that the individual update their webDirectory listing by contacting your dept administrator.
- The "search by individual" webDirectory utilizes the Human Resources "HRx" data system as its source database. Your department's administrator has access to update listings for all department staff in HRx which is then automatically reflected in the webDirectory.
- The person must notify their regular US Mail correspondents to update any mail lists or subscription to include their current Mail Stop Code.