Location: University Hospital of Downstate basement level, UH Rm B-530A (adjacent to Central
Receiving and Mail Services)
Telephone: 718-270-1514, MailStop 61
Mail: CentralStores@downstate.edu (best contact method)
Central Stores Catalog and Order Form
This one document now serves as both the Central Stores Catalog and the Order Form.
Many PRIOR Central Stores items have transitioned for improved efficiency and inventory space reduction efficiency, that are now ordered and delivered through:
Quick Links
Please use the address "CentralStores@downstate.edu" to report any concerns—the message will auto distributed to all CStores individual
staff and management members.
- Reassignment of Funds (aka "Budget Funds Transfer"): Please check your state department
accounts RECHARGE allocations (object code 9200) regularly. Dept State Accounts with
a CStores recharge deficit are reminded to submit a Budget Allocation Transfer Request Form to the Budget Office to cover any allocation deficit. It is highly recommend you
save time by reassigning sufficient funds to cover the accounts' anticipated entire
fiscal year expenses through June 30th of each year.
- The State Contract Office Supply desktop delivery program is through W.B. Mason Desktop
Delivery Program. Find more information here.
Central Stores Provides
Central Stores Catalog
- Common hospital patient care and lab supply items are now stocked by, ordered from,
and delivered by UHD's Central Sterile Supply (CSS) to provide increased efficiency in stocking, inventory, and customer ordering
and internal delivery processes.
- Office Supplies used by all Downstate/UHD units are purchased directly through the
Office Supply Desktop delivery program and the vendor delivers directly to your office.
- Recycle Obsolete and Empty Toner Cartridges: DO NOT discard them in your normal office trash- Most toner now include a UPS shipping
label to mail back used toner cartridges. Simply affix that UPS label to the outside
of the toner cartridge box and place with your office's next daily Mail Services pickup,
or drop them off at Central Stores for recycling. While Central Stores DOES NOT stock
new toner cartridges, we do collect old unused and empty toners to a toner recycling
- Some UHD (HIM-Medical Record) Forms. Central Stores stocks and distributes only those very high volume UHD-HIM forms used
by multiple locations, or that require hard copy patient signature. Most UHD forms are avaiable online in Forms on Demand.,
- Shredding; if your department has an occasional need for shredding a large volume of documents,
Central Receiving & Stores has a large capacity shredder machine available for Downstate
customers to use; Call CStores to make arrangements. For ongoing regular shredding
needs, Downstate has a shredding service vendor (American Security Shredding company
at 800-882-1979) for offices that have ongoing frequent shredding needs of confidential
documents. They place a large pail in the office and pick-up filled containers on
a regular basis. Contact Vendor for details.
- Central Stores Pricing Policy:
Central Stores recharges all products and services at supplier cost to all customer
funding sources (State, Research, Downstate Affiliates). There is no mark up over
the cost of the procured goods, materials or services that are billed by the source
vendor/ provider. The actual prices change constantly based on the actual cost of the most recent applicable
stock purchase supplier and cost. Your dept account is recharged based on the actual
current price. Email CentralStores@downstate.edu with a draft order specifying the items you're interested in and request a current
pricing quote.
- Dry ice (for specimen use): Vendor dry ice delivery days are every Tuesday. Dry Ice is available in pellet or
block slabs, boxed in a 40lb box. Blocks are provided in Ten 4lb blocks per box; pellets
are in a 40lb box of pellets. Frequent customers with ongoing regularly weekly use:
Save time & avoid preparing a new requisition each time you need Dry Ice. Instead,
submit a Standing Order requisition for the entire fiscal year. Customers that wish
to change their future weekly Dry Ice quantities should send order changes to centralstores@downstate.edu.
- Customers with one-time occiasional Dry Ice needs must place orders by Fridays at
3:00 PM to receive Dry Ice on the following Tuesday.
Location: University Hospital of Downstate basement level, UH Rm B-530A (adjacent to Central
Receiving and Mail Services)
Telephone: 718-270-1514
Fax: 718-270-1266, MailStop 61
Email: CentralStores@downstate.edu (best contact method)
Quick Links
Please use the address "CentralStores@downstate.edu" to report any concerns—the message will auto distributed to all CStores individual
staff and management members.
Central Stores Provides
Central Stores Catalog
The actual prices are based on the actual cost of the applicable stock purchase cost.
Email CentralStores@downstate.edu with a draft order specifying the items you're interested in and request a current
pricing estimate.
- Hospital patient care items are now stocked by, ordered from, and delivered by UHD's Central Sterile Supply (CSS) Distribution unit to provide increased efficiency in stocking, inventory, and
customer ordering and internal delivery processes.
- Office Supplies used by all Downstate/UHD units are purchased directly by the Downstate department
through the Office Supply Desktop delivery program (link) and the vendor delivers directly to your office.
- Recycle Obsolete and Empty Toner Cartridges: DO NOT discard them in your normal office trash—Most toners now include a UPS shipping
label to mail back used toner cartridges. Simply affix that UPS label to the outside
of the toner cartridge box and place with your office's next daily Mail Services pickup,
or drop them off at Central Stores for recycling. While Central Stores DOES NOT stock
new toner cartridges, we do collect old unused and empty toners to a toner recycling
- Lab supplies: Most have transitioned to now be ordered through Central Sterile Supply including
vaccutainers, microscope slides & covers.
- Dry ice (for specimen use) continues to be ordered through Central Stores: Vendor delivery day is every Tuesday.
Vendor only currently provides Dry Ice as:
- 10 blocks of 4lb blocks each (40 lbs per box), or
- pellets are boxes in 40lbs per box.
- Dry Ice frequent customers (regularly use): Save time & avoid preparing a new requisition
each time you need Dry Ice. Instead, submit a Standing Order for the entire fiscal
- Customers that wish to change their Dry Ice quantities: Place your order to CentralStores@downstate.edu by Fridays at 3:00 PM in order to receive your dry Ice on Tuesday delivery.
- UH Forms in Stock including:
- Some UHD (HIM-Medical Record) Forms: Central Stores stocks and distributes only those very high volume UHD-HIM forms used
by multiple locations. Most UHD forms are avaiable online in the UHD Forms on Demand (FOD) system,
- Time Sheets: Most State paid staff have transitioned to the SUNY-wide automated Time and Attendance System/TAS. Hard copy forms are no longer being printed. Any non-State affiliated entities that
wish to use paper forms, they can be downloaded: MONTHLY Faculty NTP Time & Attendance form or Biweekly Classified Time Sheet.
- Shredding: if your dept has an occiasional need for shredding a large volume of documents, Central
Receiving & Stores has a large capacity shredder machine available for Downstate customers
to use; Email centralstores@downstate.edu to make arrangements.
For ongoing regular shredding needs, Downstate has a shredding service vendor (American
Security Shredding company at 800-882-1979) for offices that have ongoing frequent
shredding needs of confidential documents. They place a large pail in the office and
pick-up filled containers on a regular basis. Contact Vendor for details.
- Central Stores Pricing Policy: Central Stores recharges all products and services at cost to all customer funding
sources (State, Research, Downstate Affiliates). There is no mark up over the cost
of the procured goods, materials or services that are billed by the source vendor/
provider. The actual prices change constantly based on the actual cost of the most
recent applicable stock purchase cost. Your dept account is recharged based on the
actual current price.
- Outbound UPS shipments: Business related Outbound express parcel shipments are processed through Mail Services.
Downstate Departments - State and IFR Account holders: State accounts follow the Downstate
Recharge billing process:
- Use the Central Stores Catalog and Order Form. Email the completed signed form to centralstores@downstate.edu. You can also print the blank form, manually complete & sign the form, then scan
and Email it. Central Stores will also accept orders on a State Purchasing Requisition Form (customized for CStores) using the item description and item stock # as found in Central Stores Catalog. Orders must include:
The department's name and current valid 8 digit State account# (now called the 'AU"
(Accounting Unit)
the Valid authorized signature for the funding account that is paying for services.
Stock issued will be expensed under Object Code 9200 (Central Stores Recharges).
the CStores catalog item # and quantity desired.
the final delivery destination Building and Room#.
In a rush? Put "WILL PICK UP" items at Downstate Depot - Central Stores atUH Rm B-526.
Enter through Downstate Depot Reception Desk in UH Basement corridor opposite HIM
(Medical Records) . Give your telephone contact # (including cell phone or pager)
so that you can be telephoned when your order is ready for pick-up.
- State accounts must have available funds in the Central Stores Recharge Object Code
9200 to cover your estimated annual needs. Please check your state department accounts
RECHARGE allocations (object code 9200) regularly. Dept State Accounts with a CStores
recharge deficit are reminded to submit a Budget Allocation Transfer Request Form to the Budget Office to cover any allocation deficit. It is highly recommend you
save time by reassigning sufficient funds to cover the accounts' anticipated entire
fiscal year expenses through June 30th of each year.
- IFR accounts: Your requisition needs to be signed by the Budget office (BSB 1-26,
phone X 1116, MailStop 124) to verify the IFR account has available cash. Payment
is processed via the normal Downstate recharge billing process - a journal transfer
from your IFR acct to CStores IFR acct by Downstate Financial Management.
Research Foundation Account Holders
The Research Foundation REQUIRES an RF Purchase Requisition (link) be submitted with the appropriate grant number (Project#, Task#, Award#), to be charged
and signed in advance by the project director.
Invoices are sent by Central Stores via email to: RF_Purchases <RF_Purchases@downstate.edu>
RF payments are to made payable to "SUNY 90086500" with remittance payment address as:
Central Stores- MSC 61
SUNY Downstate
450Clarkson Ave
Brooklyn NY 11203-2098
Use the Central Stores Catalog and Order Form, and identify the affiliated entity's billing information in the comment section
at bottom of form; "Bill to" (insert affiliate's name), person's name, box number,
account number (if applicable), and be signed by an authorized signatory for that
account. Some affiliated entities such as FSA and HSCB Foundation that have their
own "Payment Forms" (link) that are accepted in lieu of a State Requisition form. Central Stores will then send
the requisition or payment form with the Central Stores Invoice for supplies ordered
to the applicable affiliated entity's Business Office for payment.
Payments are to made payable to "SUNY 90086500" with remittance payment address as:
Central Stores- MSC 61
SUNY Downstate
450 Clarkson Ave
Brooklyn NY 11203-2098
- BEST METHOD: SCAN and email your SIGNED order form to Central Stores at: centralstores@downstate.edu (the most efficient and reliable method), or
- IN-PERSON: Submit SIGNED requisition at UH Rm B-530A (adjacent to Central Receiving and Mail Services), or
- INTER-OFFICE MAIL: Send SIGNED requisition to Central Stores at Box 61.
In general, orders received by 3:30 PM will be delivered same day. Orders after 3:30
PM or to off-site locations will be delivered on the next business day. If you need
expedited service, call the Reception Desk (X 1514) to make alternative arrangements
for expedited delivery or for you to pick up your order in person.
If any ordered item is not available at the time your order is processed, it will
not appear on the CStores delivery document/receipt. If a quantity has been reduced
due to in-stock limitations, only the amount issued will appear on the order delivery
document/ receipt. Call CStores at Ext 1514 (718-270-1514) for current estimate time
for that stock to become available.
Outbound UPS shipments: Business related Outbound express parcel shipments are processed through Mail Services.
Downstate Departments - State and IFR Account holders: State accounts follow the Downstate
Recharge billing process:
- The Central Stores catalog and Order Form
- Central Stores will also accept orders on a State Purchasing Requisition Form (customized for CStores) using the item description and item stock # as found in Central Stores Catalog. Requisition must include:
a Valid 8 digit State account# (now called the 'AU" (Accounting Unit)
the Valid authorized signature for the funding account that is paying for services.
Stock issued will be expensed under Object Code 9200 (Central Stores Recharges).
the CStores catalog item # and quantity desired.
the final delivery destination Building and Room#.
- In a rush? Put "WILL PICK UP" items at Downstate Depot - Central Stores at UH Rm B-526.
Enter through Downstate Depot Reception Desk in UH Basement corridor opposite HIM
(Medical Records). Give your telephone contact # (including cell phone or pager) so
that you can be telephoned when your order is ready for pick-up.
- State accounts must have available funds in the Central Stores Recharge Object Code
9200 to cover your estimated annual needs. Please check your state department accounts
RECHARGE allocations (object code 9200) regularly. Dept State Accounts with a CStores
recharge deficit are reminded to submit a Budget Allocation Transfer Request Form to the Budget Office to cover any allocation deficit. It is highly recommend you
save time by reassigning sufficient funds to cover the accounts' anticipated entire
fiscal year expenses through June 30th of each year.
- IFR accounts: Your requisition needs to be signed by the Budget office (BSB 1-26,
phone X 1116, MailStop 124) to verify the IFR account has available cash. Payment
is processed via the normal Downstate recharge billing process—a journal transfer
from your IFR acct to CStores IFR acct by Downstate Financial Management.
Research Foundation Account Holders
The Research Foundation REQUIRES an RF Purchase Requisition be submitted with the appropriate grant number (Project#, Task#, Award#), to be charged
and signed in advance by the project director.
Invoices are sent by Central Stores via email to: RF_Purchases <RF_Purchases@downstate.edu>
RF payments are to made payable to "SUNY 90086500" with remittance payment address as:
Central Stores- MSC 61
SUNY Downstate
450Clarkson Ave
Brooklyn NY 11203-2098
Use the Central Stores Catalog and Order Form . When emailing it, include the affiliated entity's billing information in the email
body message; "Bill to" (insert affiliate's name), person's name, box number, account
number (if applicable), and be signed by an authorized signatory for that account.
Some affiliated entities such as FSA and HSCB Foundation that have their own "Payment
Forms" (link) that are accepted in lieu of a State Requisition form. Central Stores will then send
the requisition or payment form with the Central Stores Invoice for supplies ordered
to the applicable affiliated entity's Business Office for payment.
Payments are to made payable to "SUNY 90086500" with remittance payment address as:
Central Stores- MSC 61
SUNY Downstate
450 Clarkson Ave
Brooklyn NY 11203-2098
- BEST METHOD: SCAN and email your SIGNED order form to Central Stores at: centralstores@downstate.edu (the most efficient and reliable method), or
- IN-PERSON: Submit SIGNED requisition at UH Rm B-530A (adjacent to Central Receiving and Mail Services), or
- INTER-OFFICE MAIL: Send SIGNED requisition to Central Stores at Box 61.
In general, orders received by 3:30 PM will be delivered same day. Orders after 3:30
PM or to off-site locations will be delivered on the next business day. If you need
expedited service, call the Reception Desk (X 1514) to make alternative arrangements
for expedited delivery or for you to pick up your order in person.
If any ordered item is not available at the time your order is processed, it will
not appear on the CStores delivery document/ receipt. If a quantity has been reduced
due to in-stock limitations, only the amount issued will appear on the order delivery
document/ receipt. Call CStores at Ext 1514 (718-270-1514) for current estimate time
for that stock to become available.