
Current Employees


RF Employees Enjoy Better Benefits!

The RF ranks among the top five in most benefits based on a recent survey of its peer groups including active employee and post-retirement health insurance. The RF’s investment in its employees goes well beyond competitive salary. The total value of your personal benefits package is summarized for you annually.   

Meaningful Work!

The RF provides talent, services, and technology that empower SUNY to research, innovate, and transfer discoveries that transform the world’s knowledge economy.  As an RF employee, you are part of a team whose vision is to make SUNY the best place for faculty, students and staff to solve the world’s most pressing problems.  

Whether you are a new employee or an experienced member of the RF team, your performance on the job contributes to the successful functioning of sponsored program administration and innovation support services.

RF employees can be found in administrative offices, at archaeological digs in Central America, in medical research labs or in the classrooms of third world countries. Whatever specific job you are doing and from wherever you are working, you are representing yourself, the RF sponsored project or administrative position for which you work, and the entire RF organization.

A positive, cooperative, self-motivated, courteous and professional attitude is an essential element of every position. While different positions have different areas of responsibility, we all need to work as a team, and we expect each employee to pitch in as necessary. 

Commuter Benefits

Employee Handbook

Employee Discounts


Employee Self-Service


Holiday Schedule


Office of Postdoctoral Affairs

Wellness Programs