June 2022 Announcements
By Office of Communications & Marketing | Jun 1, 2022
STAR Program Celebrated Pride Month in Park Slope
On Saturday, June 11, 2022, STAR Program staff and supporters celebrated Pride Month by staffing a booth at the Brooklyn Pride Parade in Park Slope. There, they distributed information about STAR Health Center services and provided giveaways. A photo booth allowed participants to take part in a mini photo shoot, where instant photos along with a magnetic photo frame, were distributed. STAR Program staff answered questions about HIV and HCV testing, care, treatment, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), and other services the STAR Program offers.
The STAR Program (www.starprogram.nyc) was initially established in 1991 with the initial overall goal of integrating HIV-related care, research, and clinical education. Over the last three decades, the STAR Health Center has expanded beyond HIV care, offering primary care, hepatitis C (HCV) screening and treatment, PrEP, PEP, behavioral health services, harm reduction, buprenorphine treatment, an LGBTQ wellness program, and re-entry services for those released from incarceration. The STAR Program provides multiple HIV training programs for healthcare providers, and participates in multiple research programs, including the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study/Women’s Interagency HIV Study Combined Cohort Study (MACS/WIHS-CCS). STAR’s clinical sites are located in Suite J at University Hospital at Downstate (STAR-Downstate) and at One Brooklyn Health/Brooklyn Hospital Medical Center (STAR-Brookdale).
Brooklyn Pride, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) wholly volunteer-managed, tax-exempt, non-profit organization working for and on behalf of all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Brooklynites and all others who support the struggle for equality of this community.
SUNY 2021-2022 Hispanic Leadership Institute (HLI) Graduates include Labor Relations Assistant Vice President Adriana Conde
Congratulations to Office of Employee and Labor Relations assistant vice president Adriana Conde. Along with faculty and other professional staff, she is a graduate of the fifth
cohort of the SUNY 2021-2022 Hispanic Leadership Institute (HLI). HLI serves as a resource for Hispanic and Latinx leaders in higher education, both
in New York State and across the country. Its mission is to foster and support the
professional development and retention of current and emerging leaders to create a
more diverse university system.
Juneteenth Holiday
For Black Americans, Juneteenth has been long celebrated as a pivotal point in American history. Now that it is a federal holiday, Americans as a collective can contextualize the meaning of why so many people rejoice annually. Read Dr. Riley’s message here.
Juneteenth Holiday Observances for State Employees
Civil Service Attendance Rules When Holidays Fall on Monday
Under the New York State Department of Civil Service Time and Attendance Rules, when a holiday falls on a Sunday, (i.e., Juneteenth and Christmas), it will be observed the following Monday.
Accordingly, Juneteenth 2022 will be observed on Monday, June 20th and Christmas 2022 will be observed on Monday, December 26th.
M/C, CSEA, and PEF employees eligible to observe holidays will receive compensatory time off for holidays scheduled on a pass day or Saturday if they are not assigned to work. CSEA and PEF employees eligible to observe holidays and are required to work on a holiday will receive additional compensation, or if elected to waive such additional compensation, employees will receive compensatory time off.
M/C employees eligible to observe holidays but are required to work on a holiday will receive a compensatory day off.
Compensatory days off shall be subject to applicable rules governing annual leave, and, where specified by the applicable collective bargaining agreement, shall be forfeited unless used within one year from the date time is accrued.
If additional clarification is needed, please contact the Office of Employee & Labor Relations at Extension 3019.
Parking & Valet Services on Juneteenth
In observance of Juneteenth as a state holiday, please note that the 225 Clarkson, 324 Winthrop, 329 Clarkson, 355 Lenox, 711 Parkside and front door valet services are closed as per the posted Downstate Parking Holiday Schedule (link)
- Area street parking remains an option; NYC Alt Side Parking is suspended on holidays.
- Daily Parkingis available at the KCH 581 Clarkson public garage at normal hourly rates; an 8-hour weekday hourly rate is about $14.
Monthly Parkers assigned to 600 Albany Ave & 581 Clarkson Ave (KCH Access Card holders) remain available 24hrs-7days/week using your KCH access card.
New York State is a Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace
New York State Policy: Making New York State A Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace. Please note that included is a comprehensive description of the New York State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which contains several resources for employees.
Internet Explorer web browser version 11 (IE11)
Microsoft will sunset Internet Explorer web browser version (IE11) on June 15, 2022. Downstate has many applications that do not require the use of IE11 but there are some applications that require its use. These include:
- Lawson- Budget Planning and Core
- Alpha Systems-Enterprise Document Imaging
- Cactus-Physician Credentialing Management System
- Centricity Cardio Workflow (CCW)
- Nuance Powerscribe 365 (Radiologist dictation system)
- Verisma-scan and print software
- Fuji-Radiology Information System (RIS)
What does this mean for you?
- If you use IE11 to access an application that does not require its use, these applications should function as normal on Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. If you have problems, please open a helpdesk ticket.
- If you use IE11 to access an application that does require its use, IT is actively working with the applications users to provide vendor suggested solutions. If you are a user of one of the systems and unaware of IT activities, please contact Dennis Sutterfield at dennis.sutterfield@downstate.edu and/or 929-722-4761.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact IT Customer Support at 718-270-HELP (4357) or Help@ downstate.edu
Parking Restrictions on Lenox Road on
Friday, June 10
On Friday, June 10, parking on Lenox Road between New York Avenue and 395 Lenox Road will be restricted, due to two events: “Move-Out Day” from the Res Halls for the COM 2025 class. Students will be allowed to park in order to facilitate their move.
The second event is a “street-style” celebration sponsored by the Office of Graduate Medical Education for the 2022 class of graduating residents and fellows that will take place in the Grove from 12 noon to 4 pm. This event is limited to invited guests only. Ingress and egress to the Health Science Building through the Grove entrance will not be affected.
395 Lenox Road Entrance Closure
REMINDER that the HSEB entrance at 395 Lenox Road remains temporarily closed through July 31, 2022, while the exterior doors are replaced. Access to the HSEB will be through the Grove, as per the signage leading to the Grove.
COVID-19 scanning for entry remains in process. The doors to the Grove are open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Please use the entrance at 450 Clarkson before and after these hours if you need access to the HSEB.
If you have any questions, please contact Anthony Piscopo, Facilities Program Coordinator, at anthonypiscopo@downstate.edu, at 718-270-4668 or 347-563-0983.
Pastoral Care Provides Spiritual Healing During Nurses Week
Last month, one of the Nurses Week events sponsored by the Pastoral Care Department, allowed our staff to address unhealed wounds in the aftermath of the pandemic. Many of us lost close friends and colleagues in this unprecedented tragedy and did not have the opportunity to heal spiritually. These coordinated events involved a spiritual walk around the perimeter of the hospital, a labyrinth walk for spiritual centering, meditation, reflection, and remembrance of our fallen heroes via the tree-of-life along with a healing of the hand’s ceremony.
Downstate College of Nursing Student Appointed to Community Board
Natalie Ferguson, R.N., a student in the College of Nursing’s Doctor of Nursing Practice program, has been appointed by Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso to serve on Community Board 17. Ms. Ferguson says that she sees her appointment as an opportunity to enact policies that will benefit the local community. Her two-year term is effective immediately.
Community Boards weigh in on important neighborhood issues and give local residents the opportunity to voice their opinions at the grassroots level. CB 17 serves the residents of East Flatbush, Remsen Village, Farragut, Rugby, Erasmus and Ditmas Village.
Community Health Improvement Award
HANYS is now accepting submissions for its 2022 Community Health Improvement Award. This award recognizes member hospitals and health systems for their collaborative initiatives to improve the health and well-being of their communities. The NEW deadline to submit your nomination is June 13. Visit HANYS’ CHIA webpage for more details and the submission form.
UHD & Optum Partnership
For the past three years, University Hospital at Downstate (UHD) and Optum have partnered to develop programs to integrate a productivity program for our workforce, reduce excess patient length of stay, improve ambulatory operations, and enhance our revenue cycle with education and documentation improvement.
UHD and Optum will continue their collaboration this year with a focus on (1) completing Workforce project implementations and governance support, (2) CDI performance analytics and reporting, (3) provider documentation initiative, and (4) expertise to assess and provide process design support for patient status optimization.
These programs will support UHD’s strategies to continually adapt and maneuver current and future obstacles allowing us to serve our community. The successful delivery of all programs will require every staff member’s participation, thought leadership, and innovation at UHD.
Starting this month, UHD leaders, managers, and front-line staff will be asked to participate in various forums with our Optum partners to begin these efforts to improve the current day-to-day operations and alleviate workflow challenges.
Please contact Sean P. Smith, CPA, FHFMA, Sr. Associate VP/Deputy Chief Financial Officer at sean.smith@downstate.edu if you have questions.
University Police Ensures Commitment to Downstate's Campus Safety
Following a series of violent events around the nation in the last few weeks, the University Police Department (UPD) wishes to remind the Downstate community of its commitment to ensuring a safe and secure environment for all.
Safety is a shared responsibility among every member of our community. We strongly advise you to use increased vigilance when traveling to and from work. If you see, hear, or have an alarming experience on campus, immediately call University Police directly at X-2626 or from a non-campus phone at (718) 270-2626. If you are off-campus, please call 911 for any emergency. Timely reporting can help prevent crimes or other incidents.
As an additional measure of security, we encourage any individual(s) who may have an order of protection, to share copies of such orders with the University Police Department so that appropriate steps to protect the individual, their colleagues, and the campus community can be taken as necessary. Any such notification to UPD will remain confidential.
We also encourage you to use the University Police Shuttle Service whenever possible, and refrain from using headphones or talking on cellular devices during your commute.
University Police offers an Active Shooter Workshop upon request. To schedule, email Lieutenant Feurtado (Joel.Feurtado@downstate.edu)
Celebrating Caribbean American Heritage and Pride Month at Downstate
June is Caribbean American Heritage Month which recognizes the significance of Caribbean people and their descendants in the history and culture of the United States. Dr. Claire Nelson founded the month. It was celebrated nationally for the first time by the Institute of Caribbean Studies in 2000, followed by the passing of a legislative bill by Congresswoman Barbara Lee in 2004.
The resolution was made official in 2006 when President George W. Bush signed the proclamation, officially naming June National Caribbean American Month.
As Downstate’s profile for Caribbean American Heritage Month, we proudly feature Jamaica-born
UHD Med-Surg nurse Kerine Wright, RN.
June is Pride Month, a month-long global celebration of Pride every year where the recognition and celebration of inclusion and diversity both in and out of the workplace underscores a commitment to providing a world where everyone is welcomed and celebrated.
In June, people worldwide celebrate the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) Pride Month to commemorate a breaking point in queer history: the Stonewall Riots. This event lasted six days in Manhattan in 1969 as police clashed with the historic gay liberation movement and fought for LGBTQ rights.
The State University of New York maintains a solid commitment to diversity and storied history of PRIDE activism and activists, including gay rights activist and commissioner of the original Pride rainbow flag, Harvey Milk, a 1951 graduate of UAlbany.
Check out Downstate’s Pride Month’s unique feature on Associate Professor and Interim
Chair, Department of Cell Biology, and Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine
to share its feature on Christopher Roman, Ph.D.
Go Purple to Raise Awareness for Alzheimer's
June is Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month. More than 55 million people globally are living with Alzheimer's or another dementia. As part of Downstate’s efforts to share information about Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other cognitive health matters, The Center of Excellence for Alzheimer’s Disease is encouraging you to join in activities that promote the awareness and resources for those caring for loved ones with cognitive ailments. Purple is the official color of the Alzheimer’s movement.
College of Nursing Ranks 4th in New York City
Nursing Schools Almanac has just released its 2022 rankings of the best US nursing schools and has ranked our College of Nursing as 4th overall in New York and 4th overall in the New York City Metropolitan area!
Upcoming Events
9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Join the School of Health Professions (SOHP) for a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and other related Disabilities (LEND) workshop, “Culture and Community-based Services to Children with Autism.” The workshop, whose panelists will include cultural experts and multidisciplinary community-based providers, discusses the nexus of culture and service delivery to children with autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities. The LEND network is an HRSA/MCHB-supported program designed to address marked disparities in identifying and treating Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other neuro disabilities (DD). Downstate was recently selected to begin a LEND program in Brooklyn.
Countdown to Retirement Seminars
JUNE 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
Employees are encouraged to sign up for a webinar by Benjamin Levy of the NYS Deferred Compensation Plan. Employees can also enroll in the plan if they haven’t already done so.
The NYS Deferred Compensation Plan will be hosting free educational webinars for all employees who wish to attend. NYSDCP is a supplemental retirement (457b) plan. Its mission is to help State and local public employees achieve their retirement savings goals and help bridge any potential financial gap in retirement. I have placed links in the email for upcoming webinars below.
Use the links below to schedule a one-on-one meeting, attend the virtual webinars, or enroll in a plan.
Monday, June 13 at 1 PM – Countdown to Retirement Webinar – Presentation will explain important considerations to think about for those approaching retirement. We will discuss longevity, income sources, asset consolidation, and withdrawals/required minimum distributions.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
917-983-6123, 145795757#
Phone Conference ID: 145 795 757#
Tuesday, June 14 at 12:00 PM – Asset Allocation Webinar- Presentation will discuss diversifying your investment dollars across different asset classes. It helps you maximize your return while reducing your risk.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
917-983-6123, 578281107#
Phone Conference ID: 578 281 107#
Wednesday, June 15 at 11:00 AM – Enrollment Webinar- Presentation will explain the benefits of enrolling and participating in the NYS Deferred Compensation Plan and how it can help you plan for and live in retirement. We will go over the basics of investing and the investment options, pre-tax and Roth contributions, and an overview of the easy and secure online enrollment process.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 917-983-6123, 53489852#
Phone Conference ID: 534 898 52#
Thursday, June 16 at 2:00 PM – Countdown to Retirement Webinar – Presentation will explain important considerations to think about for those approaching retirement. We will discuss longevity, income sources, asset consolidation, and withdrawals/required minimum distributions.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
917-983-6123, 568119861#
Phone Conference ID: 568 119 861#
Friday, June 17 at 1:00 PM – Enrollment Webinar- Presentation will explain the benefits of enrolling and participating in the NYS Deferred Compensation Plan and how it can help you plan for and live in retirement. We will go over the basics of investing and the investment options, pre-tax and Roth contributions, and an overview of the easy and secure online enrollment process.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 917-983-6123, 530173650#
Phone Conference ID: 530 173 650#
12:00 NOON – 1:00 PM
Alzheimer’s Walk Kick-Off 2022
As part of recognizing June as Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, Downstate will hold its annual campus-wide Alzheimer’s Walk Kick-off in the Grove on June 15, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. All are invited to come out to show your support and sign-up to walk or donate. UHD CEO Dr. David Berger will provide opening remarks, along with representatives of the Alzheimer’s Association-New York City Chapter. The walk itself will be held on September 18, 2022.
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (Grand Rounds Presentation)
Downstate’s Center of Excellence for Alzheimer’s Disease (CEAD) invites you to join Grand Rounds by Zoom for a Geriatric Psychiatry lecture delivered by Rajesh R, Tampi, M.D., Professor and Chairman, Inaugural Bhatia Family Endowed Chair, Department of Psychiatry, Creighton University School of Medicine and Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) Health Behavioral Health Services in Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Tampi’s lecture is titled, “Managing Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia in the Era of Boxed Warnings.” This presentation raises awareness of Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementia during June, Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month.
EAP Wellness Wednesday "Electric Vehicle Webinar"
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Wellness Wednesday Webinar
“Electric Vehicle Webinar”
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has partnered up with 511NY Rideshare and Empire Clean Cities to announce their new “Electric Vehicle” webinar.
In this 45-minute presentation, participants will learn about:
Electric Vehicle Basics - how they work, latest models, trends in the industry
- Benefits of Driving Electric - financial, environmental, and more!
- Charging Basics - how it works and where to charge
- Funding and Incentives available for individuals
- Planning Tools - station locator, road trip planner, etc.
- Options for Workplace charging (which you already have =))
- Ridesharing Possibilities
Registration Link: https://forms.office.com/r/0hGgJuguek or SCAN the QR code to register today!
This event is being sponsored by the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
For more information, please contact Magda Alliancin, EdD at ext. 1489 or email: magda.alliancin@downstate.edu
11:00 AM
#TheLongestDay Photo Op in Recognition of Alzheimer’s Awareness
Today’s the day to wear something purple and join Downstate faculty, staff, and students for a photo op recognizing Alzheimer’s awareness. The photo op will take place at 11:00 AM in The Grove (outside the 395 Lenox Road entrance. The event will move beneath the canopy at the 450 Clarkson Avenue entrance if inclement weather occurs.
We encourage you to post pics on social media using #thelongestday.
Here are some sobering statistics on Alzheimer’s from The Alzheimer’s Association.
All Day
Join the Alzheimer’s Association in its recognition of the Longest Day. The longest day—the summer solstice—is when thousands of participants from across globe come together to fight the darkness of Alzheimer's through an activity of their choice. We encourage you to find creativity and passionate ways to raise awareness for the care, support, and research efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association. To find out how you can be involved, click here. To show your support you can also add something purple to your day (a scarf, a pin, a button, etc.) to encourage and promote awareness.
12:00 PM
SUNY PRIDE 2022 | Pride In Action
SUNY students, faculty, staff, and alumni are invited to Put your Pride Into Action and join us for NYC Pride.
Register at the link below:
March with SUNY at NYC Pride 2022 Tickets, Sun, Jun 26, 2022, at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM (includes Q&A)
Join UHD Chief Executive Officer, Dr. David Berger, as he moderates a Zoom panel discussion, “What to do When Your Loved One Develops Cognitive Health Problems.” This panel discussion will be led by Dr. Michael Reinhardt, Director of the Center of Excellence for Alzheimer’s Disease at Downstate. Learn about resources available to help you understand how to care for individuals with cognitive health concerns.
News Reel
June 3, 2022
Dr. Rami Nakeshbandi Discusses Monkeypox on News12 Brooklyn.
What’s Happening in June
Calendar of June observances, celebrations, and recognitions!
Check back for regular updates to this page!
* New information highlighted in yellow *