
Procedures & Policies

Scheduling Policy

Scheduling of rooms for course offerings (curricular events) is made on an academic year basis. For scheduling purposes, the academic year is a one year cycle beginning August 1 of the current year through July 31st of the following year. Room requests for the full academic year must be submitted three months before the start date of the academic year cycle: that is, by May 31 for the academic year cycle beginning August 1 of the same year. It is imperative that room scheduling request for curricular events are received by May 31 on the appropriate curriculum scheduling request form. Curricular events are the first priority for room assignments and take precedence over all other institutional assignment for rooms for other activities.

Room scheduling is done on a priority basis. The priority of assignment, in descending sequential order, is as follows: (1) all curricular events, including national boards and examinations,for the Colleges of Health Related Professions, Medicine, Nursing and the Graduate School; (2) HSCB-sponsored conferences, seminars, symposium and meetings; (3) grand rounds and residency training programs for the clinical departments; (4) departmental and administrative meetings. After May 31, requests for room reservations will be acted upon according to the chronological order in which the requests were received.

Request Procedure

All room scheduling requests are to be made in writing or electronically and must be filled out completely to avoid any delays in processing. Requests may be submitted via the following: - Box 14 -Fax # 7471, or via this request form.  All room reservations are confirmed in writing by Classroom Services.  You may call Classroom services with any questions at: x2639. 

Room Assignments

Specific rooms for curricular events will be assigned with consideration given to the following criteria: (1) Classes to be placed on a floor complementary to their college's location; (2) Classrooms or labs designated for specific class use; (3) Size of the group; (4) Any special requirements/conditions needed in the room (lighting, seating style,audiovisual needs, etc); (5) Regularity or consistency of space needs within the semester. Classroom Services will honor historical precedent in assigning rooms if possible. Unless there is a genuine, substantive need for a course to be held in a specific room, and assignment predicated on the rationale that "this is where we have always been" will not be a final determination.

Schedule of Activities

The schedule of activities can be found in several locations; a calendar of scheduled activities, a copy of the room assignments day-by-day is posted on the bulletin board located on the first floor where the Basic Sciences Building connects to the Health Science Education Building and outside of each scheduled space is a weekly schedule for that particular space.

Food Policy

Food is permitted in the following spaces: HSEB Atrium, Special Functions Room, Classroom 1B, Classroom 1A, Lecture Hall 1A, Lecture Hall 1B and the Faculty Lounge. Food or drink for group and/or individual consumption is not to be brought into any other scheduled room.  It is the responsibility of the room requester to ensure that rooms are left in clean and proper order after use.

Auxiliary Services

Room users are required to make their own special arrangements for furniture setup, catering services, housekeeping (cleanliness of space after use),University Police. University Police are available to open scheduled rooms that are locked and to direct persons to the right rooms by referring to the printed schedule.

Room Inventory

Classroom Services schedules

  • 11 classrooms
  • 6 Lecture Halls
  • Alumni Auditorium
  • Atrium
  • Faculty Lounge
  • Special Functions
  • FM&D Public Space

We are not responsible for scheduling the following rooms:

  • Classroom 8D/E
  • Classroom 8F/G
  • President's Board Room (contact the President's office, x2611)
  • Any Basic Sciences or Health Education Buildings' spaces that are specifically department-designated (department conference room, library, etc.)
  • Executive conference rooms (contact Hospital Administration, x2404) - HSEB 7th floor classrooms and labs.