Resident's Schedule & Handbook
Resident Handbook
The Resident Handbook is available in PDF format
This file is only available on the Downstate Intranet.
Schedule: X+Y
Call Structure
- Short call and night float system at all 3 sites
- No 24 hour calls at Kings County Hospital
- No in-house night float for PGY4s
7:00 AM – 8:30 AM | Sign-out / Pre-rounding |
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM | Morning report |
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM | Attending rounds |
12 noon – 1:00 PM | Noon conference |
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM | Afternoon work |
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM | Short call |
7:00 PM – 7:00 AM | Night float |
Sample 5 Week Schedule
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 |
CLINIC A | Elective | KCH Gen | KCH Gen | PED |
CLINIC B | EMU | KCH Stroke | KCH Stroke | PED |
PED | CLINIC A | MMC Stroke | Vacation | Vacation |
PED | CLINIC B | Vacation | Elective | Elective |
MMC Stroke | MMC Stroke | CLINIC A | Psych | Psych |
MMC Gen | MMC Gen | CLINIC B | MMC Stroke | MMC Stroke |
KCH Gen | KCH Gen | EMU | CLINIC A | KCH Gen |
KCH Stroke | KCH Stroke | Elective | CLINIC B | KCH Stroke |
Elective | Elective | MMC Gen | MMC Gen | CLINIC A |
Psych | Admin | PED | PED | CLINIC B |
Morning Report
Residents on service attend morning report daily at all three hospitals lead by Dr. Yaacov Anziska, accompanied by the Chief of Service for the respective site. Cases seen by the on-call resident which were either sent home from the Emergency Room or admitted to the Neurology service are discussed in detail.
Noon Lecture
Lectures are held everyday at University Hospital of Brooklyn. Lectures cover fundamentals of clinical neurology given by experts in their respective fields. Residents are expected to particpate in discussions with the lecturer regarding challenging clinical scenarios and topic questions. Residents also routinely conduct board preparation on days in which lectures are not scheduled.
Noon conference also includes Journal Club in which a senior resident, fellow, or attending chooses a recenly published article of important clinical value. The article is presented in detail and discusses amongst the residents.
Textbook Review
The Third Edition of Blumenfeld's Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases is the primary text reviewed in the first year of Neurology residency. Residents are tested on their knowledge with monthly quizes to ensure academic development. Next, residents are expected to use Merritt's Neurology during their second year to apply their knowledge of neuroanatomy to clinical practice. Senior residents are assigned Adam and Victor's Principles of Neurology for subject mastery. Additional textbooks used for selected chapters and textbook readings include Plum and Posner's Stupor and Coma, O'Brien's Aids to the Examination of the Peripheral Nervous System, among others.
First Year Lectures
Over the first two months of the first year, the following lectures are provided exclusively for first year resident education. The introductory lecture series helps to ease the transition into dermatology residency and focuses on high-yield topics.
Introductory Lecture Series for First Year Residents
- Neurological Exam (Dr. Perk)
- Stroke Code Simulations (Dr. Law)
- Status Epilepticus (Dr. Grant)
- Headache Emergencies (Dr. Valsamis)
- Neuromuscular Emergencies (Dr. Y Anziska)
- Coma (Dr. B Anziska)