
Online Nursing RN-BS Program

Timeline to Apply

TimelinePlease note: to prepare yourself for becoming the best possible candidate for admission, please refer to the timeline below so that your application for admission is submitted in timely fashion and as complete as possible. This example timeline is designed to accommodate those who are new to a program of study, and have taken none of the prerequisite course requirements. Your situation may differ, particularly if you have completed most prerequisite course requirements. Please refer to our website for all Programs of Study information, including current deadlines.

Two Years Prior to Matriculation

June – July

  • Review the website to learn more about our programs and your program of interest
  • Sign up to attend an information session
  • Bring copies of all college transcripts to the session for prerequisite course review
  • Make a list of all outstanding prerequisite courses

August – September

One Year Prior to Matriculation

December – January

May – June


August – September


  • Be sure all supporting documentation has been submitted.
  • Register for any remaining prerequisite course work.

Year of Matriculation

December – January

  • Submit all final transcripts from Fall and/or Winter terms to Student Admissions
  • Register for any remaining prerequisite courses. To be a viable candidate, you should have no more than one (1) science and two (2) other remaining prerequisites courses to complete. Please note the science courses highlighted in red below. In preparing for submission of an application to any one of these programs it is advisable that you attempt to follow the Timeline chart that follows.
  • Submit proof of registration for all courses to be taken in the final spring and summer terms immediately preceding entry

January – March

  • Deadline(s) to apply: Please note individual program deadlines as they vary from year to year.

Sample Schedule

Calendar Nursing RN-BS
Year One: Fall A&P I w/lab
Chemistry 1 w/lab
Year One: Spring A&P II w/lab
Sociology Elective
Year One: Summer Mathematics
English Elective
Year Two: Fall (APPLY) Psychology
English Elective
Year Two: Spring COMPLETE!