
Major Donor Profiles

In appreciation for their commitment, dedication and enduring contributions to SUNY Downstate.
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Garry S. Sklar, M.D.

Dr. Garry S. Sklar generously endowed SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University with a Professorship in Anesthesiology, The Garry S. and Sarah Sklar Professorship in Anesthesiology.


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Richard C. Troutman, M.D., DSc

Dr. Richard C. Troutman Served as Professor and Head of the Division of Ophthalmology, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University from 1955 – 1983. In 1958 he designed and assembled at Downstate the Zeiss OPMI 1 with periscope for coaxial cinematography mounted on motorized chair.


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Ketan Shevde, M.D. and Nirmala Shevde, M.D.

Drs. Ketan and Nirmala Shevde launched their scholarships in 2014 with the Shevde Family Scholarship Fund for Medical Students in Anesthesia Research.  In 2022, Dr. Sheved established an Award fund "The Ketan Shevde M.D. Family Award for Excellence in Medicine" to support Medical students in College of Medicine.


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Robert C. Knapp, M.D.

In 2006, Dr. Knapp funded a Scholarship for Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology of at Downstate which is awarded annually to resident of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.  Dr. Knapp’s wife, Miriam H. Knapp was the sculptor of HYGEIA, which was installed in the Basic Sciences second floor lobby September 2007 with support of the Knapps and several private donors.


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Ronald and Jeannie Schiavone

Ronald and Jeannie Schiavone established The Schiavone Institute at Downstate medical Center in 2011 – via their generous gift of $1 million – in order to promote the development of innovative cardiovascular therapies and treatments.


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Albert J. Kahane, M.D. and Millie D. Kahane

Dr. Kahane established the Albert J. Kahane, M.D. Scholarship and Education Fund to support medical students and residents in Obsterics & Gynecology.


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