
Travel Card (TCard)

airplane in sky

For expenses on the road.

TCards are for all Downstate employees that are approved for travel status. Departmental Administrators should submit an approved application to the Card Services department for processing. All travel must be pre-approved by the Campus CFO to ensure adequate funding. Be mindful that employees cannot share their TCard with other employees. The standard single transaction limit and overall credit limit for all travel cards are $2,500. If an increase in either is needed, please complete a credit limit increase form and submit with an approved requisition and quote from the vendor. All travel is booked through the Concur website.

Expense report submissions for TCard are due 30 days after travel.

All card type package submissions must include the following in this order:

  1. Travel Approval Request, signed and dated by both Cardholder and Cardholder’s Supervisor
  2. Proof of attendance with all applicable required documents, such as receipts, boarding passes, and conference agenda
  3. J.P. Morgan Bank Statement

Non-Employee Travel Card (NET Card) 

NET Cards are also VISA cards issued by J.P. Morgan Bank. NET Cards are used to pay for expenses for non-employees, such as candidates and guest speakers while they are on official state business. The standard single transaction limit and overall credit limit for NET Cards are $2,500. If an increase in either is needed, please send a requisition, any invoices, and the card limit increase form that is linked in our manuals and forms section. All travel is booked through the Concur website.

Expense report submissions for NETCard are due 30 days after travel.

All card type package submissions must include the following in this order:

  1. Proof of attendance with all applicable required documents, such as receipts, boarding passes, and conference agenda
  2. J.P. Morgan Bank Statement