
Downstate Prepares for 2025 Middle States Reaccreditation

By Office of the President | Jan 10, 2023

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) is recognized by the United States Department of Education (DOE) to conduct accreditation activities for higher education institutions. DOE mandates institutional accreditation to qualify for Federal Title IV student financial aid and the transferability of credits by students to other similarly accredited institutions. SUNY Downstate’s last reaccreditation was in 2016 and is valid for eight years.

SUNY Downstate is scheduled for a site visit in early 2025 to reaffirm our accreditation. Per the MSCHE, we are required to engage in a two-year self-study process leading to the creation of a self-study document and the completion of a site visit. Newer requirements include critical faculty and staff participation in a formal training program of the Middle States Self-Study Institute, which was completed in October and November. MSCHE also requires periodic meetings with their designated liaison to monitor and assist with the self-study process.

Downstate’s self-study process will be led by Pascal Imperato, M.D., MPH&TM, MACP, senior vice president for Academic Affairs and chief academic officer. D. Kane Gillespie, DMA, director, Evaluation, Outcomes Assessment, and Accreditation Services, and Jeffrey S. Putman, Ed.D., vice president for Academic & Student Affairs, will chair the Steering Committee. This committee will be co­chaired by Lori A. Bruno, MPH, assistant vice president in the Office of Planning.

Last month kicked off the group’s first meeting, where I had the chance to welcome and thank those who have agreed to serve as Workgroup Chairs on the Reaccreditation Committee.

I look forward to working with this committed team and anticipate a successful site visit and Middle States reaccreditation in 2025.

Tags: Administration