
Student Life & Community

As a student in the School of Public Health, you'll experience Brooklyn as a Brooklynite.

Living in one of the nation's most culturally vibrant cities is a daily thrill. Even blocks you walk all the time will change constantly. When you're at Downstate, you'll have more opportunities to get involved with your new community than you could possibly take advantage of.

While you'll have to go far afield to put your classroom lessons to work at some schools, you'll just have to leave your residence hall to do so here. (Our residence halls are conveniently located across the street from academic buildings, the library and the hospital. A 24-hour security presence at the main entrance, as well as key-card access, are among the extensive measures we take for your safety.)

Faculty and student projects often include collaboration with our College of Medicine, College of Nursing, School of Health Professions, School of Graduate Studies, community-based organizations, and the University Hospital at Downstate and its affiliated hospitals and institutions. And you can join a host of community service-oriented student groups, including:


Clubs & Organizations

Find an outlet for your passion in one of our student groups.


Residential Life & Services

Living on campus is safe and convenient.