
Master's Project Poster Presentations

These posters are the culmination of a 4-semester scholarly inquiry in our entry-level Master's Program. Each group of students are guided in the inquiry process by a faculty advisor. 

Implementing an International Service-Learning Workshop for SUNY Downstate

Implementing an International Service Learning Workshop

Giselle Calderon, Jenna Derleth, Ada Liu, Somaia Mahjabin

Faculty mentor:
Krystal Brewington, OTD, OTR/L, CPAM, CHT

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Babies’ Transition from the NICU to Home: Clarifying Occupational Therapist’s Role in the Process (phase III)

Jonathan Falcone, Monica Ghali, Samar Issa, Mahira Khanam

Faculty mentor:
Brigitte Desport, DPS, OTR/L, BCP, ATP

Occupational Therapists’ Competency in Early Literacy Development

Implementing an International Service Learning Workshop

Bethany Israelov, Michaela Kloos, Nava Neugroschl, Alina Yakubov

Faculty mentor: T’shura Brown, OTD, OTR/L

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Exploring the Aspirations and Motivations of Entry-Level OTD Students: Implications for Addressing the Shortage of Academic Professionals in Occupational Therapy

Implementing an International Service Learning Workshop

Benson Liang, Kerianna Krebushevski, Rebeca Gonzalez, Holly Hudgins

Faculty mentor:
Vikram Pagpatan, EdD, OTR/L, ATP, CLA, BCP, FAOTA

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Mindfulness Approaches: Harnessing the Power of the Mind-Body Connection for Chronic Pain Management

Chronic Pain

Nadine S. Johnson, Hanna Kobal, Arubah Mansoor, Sagda Ramada

Faculty mentor:
Richard Sabel, MA, OTR/L, MPH, GCFP

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Integrating Practial Applications of Emotional Intelligence Skills: In the Emotional Intelligence Curriculum

Emotional Intelligence

Alexandra Berman, Ellenie Kuszer, Parvina Rahimova, Ava Schiraldi

Faculty mentor:
Jasmin Thomas, OTD, OTR/L, BCP

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Introducing Healthcare Disparities in Gender Minorities Study in an Occupational Therapy Based Program

Introducing Healthcare Disparities in Gender Minorities Study in an Occupational Therapy Based Program

Rebecca Gritz, Peihwa Ni, Rosmery Nunez, Tiara Varela

Faculty mentor:
Daurn Tribble, OTD, MS, OTR/L

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The Effectiveness of COTAD Chapter Events in Developing Cultural Competency

Effectiveness of COTAD Chapter

Yazmine Bernier, Marion Dela Peña, Jenna Gargano

Faculty mentor:
Nancy Kline, PhD, OTR/L, BCG, LSVT

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