
Sexual Orientation Bias


This video tackles issues related to sexuality bias within the healthcare setting. It explores how an occupational therapist might practice cultural competency when interacting with clients who identify as homosexual.  In the video, the patient is noticeably uncomfortable about bringing up his sexual orientation and his need for sexual functioning assistance. Using honest self-reflection, therapeutic use of self, open ended language, and the PLISSIT model, the therapist works through his own discomfort to provide quality care for the patient.


  1. Do you think the therapist interrupting the client to say, "I think you should talk to your doctor about this," is an appropriate response? If so, why? If not, what would you have done differently?
  2. Did you observe any noticeable changes in body language in the client? How can these observations influence your approach to therapy?
  3. As OTs, we ask a lot of questions about our clients' personal lives, what can you do and what can you avoid, to make sure that clients who identify as homosexual, feel like they are accepted and not alienated?
  4. Put yourself in this therapist's shoes. Think about your own potential internal bias and how that could affect intervention with this client's basic human need.

Video Disclaimer:

These videos contain dramatized content used for educational purposes that do not represent the viewpoints or opinions of the actors, students, the Downstate Occupational Therapy Department, nor SUNY Downstate Medical Center.