
Vignette - Keep Your Eyes on Me


The video "Keep Your Eyes On Me" explores an interaction among a male Muslim client and a female occupational therapist. The video highlights a potential encounter with a client of another religion and shows how these client factors can impact OT intervention. In this video, the Muslim man refuses to lay his eyes on the female OT despite the fact that he needs instructions in accomplishing a task. Watch and explore the ways in which you can address the situation at hand.


  1. What occurred differently during the second half of the video vignette?
  2. Based on the fact that the OT profession is primarily dominated by women, when given a male client who prefers to work with a male OT, is it appropriate to reassign your client to a male therapist if there is one on staff?
  3. What are some general assumptions that you may have towards any cultural group including your own?

Video Disclaimer:

These videos contain dramatized content used for educational purposes that do not represent the viewpoints or opinions of the actors, students, the Downstate Occupational Therapy Department, nor SUNY Downstate Medical Center.